Chapter Twenty-Two

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*Important Authors note at the end. Please read it*

"Hi baby" Jay greeted as she walked into Louis' cabin.

Louis smiled at her "hi mum" he greeted from his spot on the sofa. He was making Cameron a new sweater, it was continuing to get colder outside and the boy didn't have many warm clothes. Louis didn't work with helping the other omegas do the kitchen chores anymore so he wasn't aloud to take what had been made for all the children. The elders who make the clothes say that if you dont help, you have enough free time to make them clothes yourself.

Louis definitely missed working with the other omegas, its just the Alpha would always come talk to him and distract him and the other omegas would gripe and complain about it, so eventually that drove him to stop helping. Of course soon hes going to need to do something to help out, once Cameron outgrows his pants. Louis has no idea how to make pants, that just seems physically impossible to him.

"Liam and Niall stopped by, they heard we were here." Jay mentioned as she sat down beside her son on the small sofa.

Louis frowned "I dont see them much anymore"

Jay smiled and patted her sons shoulder "Thats alright dear, you're all growing up. You're free to do whatever you wish now, you're not confined to one cabin."
Louis just nodded with a small smile, though it really didnt reach his eyes. Jay noticed and continued on with something new, yet still along the lines of Louis' friends.
"I heard the two of them are getting along real well anyway, when did that happen?"

Louis shrugged "A few months ago. I know, I was surprised as well" he chuckled. He remembered when he first found out. He had walked into their cabin to ask if they wanted to eat lunch in the park with Cameron and himself. But found the two tangled up on their bed making out.

"And you and that young Alpha?" Jay mentioned as she wriggled her brows

Louis blushed and shook his head "Nothing, we're just friends"

"But you like him"


"You dont just blush down to your neck at the mention of a mans name, without liking them"

Louis blushed harder and mumbled "Okay, so maybe I do. It doesn't matter anyway"

"And why not, this is your chance, take it"

"Hes the packs Alpha, Im someone that the pack hates. If anything did happen between us, I wouldn't be fit to be Luna anyway. Cameron is an Omega, Id be too old by the time anything happened between us to have more kids, so no one would be able to take over" Louis explained

"And why wouldn't Cameron be able to take over"

Louis shrugged and stated "Hes not heir"

Jay rolled her eyes at her sons thoughts"He doesn't have to be, hes only three, if you and that Alpha got together he would pretty much be raising him, could teach him everything he needs to know"


"Im leaving again" Harry announced to Louis as they were heading back from their walk. Harry had found Louis earlier that day and asked if he wanted to take a walk with him. He had felt bad about it, Louis was with his family playing around in the park. Though when he asked Jay pushed Louis toward the Alpha and told him shed keep an eye on Cameron, then wiggled her eyebrows suggestively making Louis blush and Harry laugh.

"Where to this time?" Louis asked as he swung their hands between them.

"Another secret, it's definitely not like the other one though." Harry said giving a breathily chuckle "I couldn't pull something like that again, unless of course..." he trailed off a bit

Louis picked up and continued for the Alpha "Unless you have a magical ass you can pull it from"

Harry laughed "That or as I was going to say, unless you have family that you're not telling me about"

"Okay, be safe and hurry back"

"Will do, have fun with your family"

"Definitely" Louis gave the Alpha a half-assed smile, he knew that this was the time that Harry would be leaving then, he would go collect all the other Alphas hes taking with him and they'd be off. Hes always scared of that part, what if the Alpha didn't come back, what would happen to the pack, what would happen to him, to his son. Would some random become the head Alpha, or would Anne take over... but shes an omega, is that even allowed.


"See you later"

"Right, see you later"

That became their thing. Louis saying 'bye' instead of 'see you later' and then Harry correcting him on it, then Louis saying it the way Harry wants and giving the Alpha a kiss on the cheek as a farewell for now.
Harry didn't like exchanging goodbyes before he left, it made him feel as though he would never come back to his pack, to Louis. He didn't like that feeling, so he insisted on a see you later exchange instead. He also definitely did not mind the kiss on the cheek.


This will be the last update for this book or any of my books for a while. I know I mentioned already that Im taking a break. A hiatus if you will. I lost my passion for writing. I do dabble in it still here and there. But not for the books that I have already published and started. Im sorry for that. Im more into painting/drawing now. I knew that writing isnt what I wanted to do for a living or even could do for a living (My writing isn't accurate or the best at all and I will never say it is because not even I like how I write) but painting is something I could do for a living. Though I don't quite know how to sell my works. Especially because I would want a PO box so that Im not giving out my address.

I hope you all understand and know that I will come back to these stories. Im not leaving wattpad completely. Ill still be reading on here constantly. ((Which recommendations for new books is ALWAYS welcome))

Thank you for your patience, just have to wait a little longer.

Love you all - Allie

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