Chapter twelve

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"Louis, c'mon please eat" Niall begged as he held the banana to his friend

Louis didn't respond, just stared blankly at the wooden wall in front of him.

"For Cameron, you don't want him to come back and see his papa like this"

"What if he doesn't come back at all" Louis croaked out

Niall shook his head "He will Lou, don't think like that"

"You can't be sure, my baby is gone forever" Louis said, not even bothering to wipe the tears from his cheeks, knowing more would fall anyway.

Niall snorted, even if it wasn't really the time to laugh "You just contradicted what you just said dork"


The pack was still looking for Cameron eight days after he had first gone missing, no lead on him what so ever. 

"You're sure that no one thats hates us in the pack has him?" Liam asked, after so many days and nights of searching they decided to take a few hours of the nights off and rest. Though Harry and Liam hardly ever actually slept, especially Harry, he was too worried to sleep.

Harry shook his head "No one in the pack would be stupid enough to do that" he hiss out

Liam rose his hands I surrender "Sorry just had to ask"

"I know, its just none of this has ever happened until you guys showed up with Cam and I didn't kill him."

"Which still leads me to think one of the pack members has something to do with it."

"They couldn't have–" a memory flashed in Harrys head. "Watch him, he could disappear right from under your nose"


"My father, we have to find him"


"You'll see, but we have to hurry"

The pack woke up and headed to the main house on command.


"Where is the boy?" Harry asked as he grabbed his fathers shirt

"I have no idea what you're talking about son"

"Of course you do" Harry replied as he shoved the man to the ground, quickly getting on top of him and pressing a hand to his throat.

"You're right, and I can't believe it took you this long to figure it out, not fit to be lead Alpha." The man sickly smirked

"Where is the boy!" Harry asked again more demanding this time

Desmond smiled "dead"

Harry got off of his father keeping his foot on his chest, preventing the man from getting up "Someone take care of him"

Zayn was the first one to jump on to Desmond.

"Cameron?" The Alpha called as he walked away from the pack that had helped him search

Harry really didn't expect an answer, but you never know. Cameron couldn't be dead right? Not the sweet little boy Harry has come to love, he can't be gone, he has to be alive.

After fifteen minutes of searching he had found a locked room downstairs. No one used the downstairs other than when someone trespasses and they need to be held somewhere until the Alpha can decide what he wants to do with them.

The door wouldn't budge a bit, the key wasn't on the frame, so Harry had to brake the door down somehow.

When he had achieved that, most likely dislocating a shoulder as it hurt like hell, he flicked on the lights to find a small boy laying limp on a mat in the corner.

"Cameron?" Harry whispered as he bent down by the lifeless body.


So...poor Cam and poor Louis, hes going to be absolutely heart broken. at least they found out who did it and where he was.

30 votes and 10 comments ( And dont be little shits who comment ten times in a row, I will only count two of your comments lol) since I know you all are probably anticipating the next chapter oh so much

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