Chapter Twenty-One

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Please read authors note at the very end !

"You'll have to be quiet, he usually sleeps in until ten, so we have a little while" Harry whispered to the surprise new pack members

"Okay" The eldest of the new members whispered back


"Surprise Louis!" Harry yelled as two kids jumped on Louis.

"Wha?" The omega muttered sitting up, rubbing at his eyes.

When the man focused on what was going on his eyes went comically wide. "Mummy?"


"Mummy!" Louis cried, shooting straight out of bed and hugging his mother.

"My babies" Louis said as he moved on to his siblings

"I you baby papa" Cameron pouted, seemingly just waking up.

"That you are, but these are my baby siblings Cam" Louis explained to his son

Cameron looked up at his father confused "Si-sibings?" He tried

"Yeah, brothers and sisters"

Cameron looked up at him with curious eyes "Papa and Har have sibings for me?"

"Cameron" Louis sighed

"Bubs, your papa and I aren't mated, when your papa mates someone you can have siblings okay?" Harry said, glancing at Louis, not seeing a mortified look on the mans face from what he had just said.

"Okay Har"

"Don't I get a hug Cam?" Jay asked

" Gamma!" Cameron yelled

"Hi baby"

"Miss 'ou gamma"

"I missed you too Cam"

"Gamma, me make fwend" Cameron exclaimed

"Really now?" Jay asked quirking a brow

"Yes, he name iws 'ollo" The pup explained

"Ollow?" Jay asked as she looked towards her own son

"Its Apollo" Louis corrected

"Oh okay" Jay nodded before turning her attention back to her grandson in her arms "Are you nice to Apollo?"


"Good boy, is Apollo nice to you?"

Cameron gasped and shook his head "No! He tell me wha to do" he pouted crossing his arms over his chest

"He tries not to let Cameron hurt himself is all" Louis added

"Sometimes you have to listen to others when they are trying to help you"

The pup sighed "I knows"


The family continued to talk for hours, Harry slipping out of the cabin some time in between without a notice.


"Thank you so much" Louis thanked the Alpha the next morning

Harry smiled down at the omega "You're welcome love, I though it would make both you and your family happy" he had accidentally let the word love slip, but neither had noticed it

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