Chapter three

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"We can stay!" Louis yelled as he walked in to the cabin. Niall on the floor with Cameron, the two were playing with some building blocks Louis had managed to fit in his bag. Niall looked up at the sudden intrusion and smiled

"Did you bring up Cam?" The other omega asked

"Umm no" Louis laughed out nervously

"You know that they might be one that doesn't do that here."

"There is only two Packs out of all of them that don't have that rule. Plus I already lied to him, told him I didn't have a pup"

"We'll just wait a while yeah? Then you can ask if they have that rule" Liam suggested

"WAIT! Hold on, did either of you bring food?" Niall asked after his stomach had rumbled, signalling he was hungry, as usual, the man can eat eight elephants a day and still be skinny, he doesn't even exercise for peets sake! Louis wishes that he could do that, but it all goes straight to his stomach or thighs.

"Nope you missed breakfast" Liam teased

"Thats not fair, I was taking care of your pup." Louis said as he pointed towards Louis.

Louis' eyes widened "Im sorry, Ill uh, Ill go get you something."

"Lou, Im sorry, you dont have to, I can go" Niall said now feeling bad, he knows how Louis feels about people having to do things for him and him not doing enough to pay them back.

"No its fine, you watched Cam for me" Louis waved him off

"Okay thank you." Niall smiled again

"No problem I will be back, bye Cam"

"Bye bye papa" the little boy waved before going back to trying to put the blocks in a tower, his tongue peaking out of the side of his mouth in concentration


"Weren't you just here?" The Alpha questioned Louis as he was gathering food on a plate.

"Yeah, um Niall just woke up and didn't want to come get breakfast" Louis lied, obviously not very convincing as Harry sounded completely unconvinced


"Yeah" Louis said awkwardly, before he put one last pancake on the plate, grabbed a packet of syrup and rushed out of the building.

He had got some extra food because he had forgotten about Cameron earlier. He forgot about his son, his own flesh and blood, he feels awful about it.

He had hoped that coming to a new pack he would be a better father, but not even being here a day and screwing up big time, he feels that isn't going to happen.


Im sorry this is shitty, I keep getting my two books confused and get mixed up all the time when Im trying to write both.

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