Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The courting was very successful and the two got mated three months after. It was a bit fast for Louis' liking, their mating was more of an accident than anything. Harry had gone into rut which Louis helped him through and they got mated somewhere in between there. Harry blamed himself and felt bad for it but Louis assured him that in their state of minds those few days, he was surely begging for that bite anyway.

Being quite newly mated was still something that the two loved, Harry seemingly more than Louis, every time Harry would catch a glimpse of the mark he was press a tender kiss to it or gently press his fingers on it, either was making Louis go pliant. Everything was going wonderfully until Louis started getting sick. He couldn't get out of bed, Cameron had been sent to stay with Jay and her kids for a while until Louis got better. They didn't want him catching what his father had. Though he didn't go without shedding tears and a tantrum.

"No! No daddy! I want papa!" That was something that Cameron had started calling Harry after the mating, no doubt Louis had a chat with him.

"Cameron papas ill and we dont want you catching that as well."

"No! No!" Cameron cried as he kicked and hit Harry. "I make sure papa okay!"

Harry growled at the pups antics "Cameron now thats enough! You stop this right now, I will not tolerate you kicking and hitting me. Papa isn't feeling well and we dont want you getting ill as well. Maybe if you ask Grandmas Jay nicely and be good for her You and Apollo can play together." He explained as he tried to stay at least somewhat calm. He has to remember that Cameron grew up around Omegas, Omegas raise pups more gentle and patient than Alphas.

Cameron whimpered and apologized "Okay. I sorry."

Harry hugged the pup tighter  "Its alright baby, but you cant be kicking and hitting people, thats not nice, especially when they're just trying to keep you safe. Okay?"


"Now, shall we get going to Grandma Jays?" Jay and her family were supposed to move into the main house once Louis and Harry got mated but said she would let the two become accustomed to being mates before they had more than just one child jumping all over them.



After Cameron was safely at his grandmothers cabin Harry once again sat with his sick mate and helplessly rubbed his back as he heaved into a bucket. "Lou are you sure you dont want to get checked out" The Alpha questioned

Louis nodded, wiping his mouth and looking up at his mate "Im sure. Don't want to find out whats wrong" he mumbled tiredly. His complexion was as pale as it had ever been, his hair matted to his forehead from sweat, his eyes sunk in from dehydration and the bags under his eyes showed off how little sleep he had been getting.

"But I do. I dont like seeing you like this. It hurts me... literally" Harry mentioned touching Louis' bond mark slightly causing the Omega to shiver.

"I forgot about that. I um... okay." The Omega gave in, he didn't want his mate to be in pain. After they mated Harry had given Louis permission to mark him as well, knowing that they would be together forever. So every time Louis would get a stomach pain or when his head would throb from throwing up so much his mate felt that through his bond mark. Ten times stronger than he would have felt it if that mark weren't there.

Harry gave a grateful smile "I'll get Liam. You rest" he commanded and he pet his mates slightly sweaty hair. Smoothing it down.

Louis glared at the man for the words he spoke. "Not much else to do idiot"

Harry growled and nipped at the mans neck "Im still you're Alpha baby" he reminded

The Omega rolled his eyes at the Alphas dominance "Yes. My big bad idiotic Alpha. Whom I love very much."

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