Chapter 1

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I always wanted to write a historical story but never did it because I don't know how the readers would feel about it. But today I choose to publish my first historical fanfiction using Arthit and Kongpob as the main characters :) Don't judge the story too much :D

Hope  some of you'll still like the fanfiction.


The kingdom of burma, setting on the year 1778. The sun just raised on the east, shining its light on the earth to lighten the darkness covering the land. Beyond the loud market, there was the biggest building in the middle of the capital. Inside the mansion there was a young man who was bored with his everyday life. He wanted a change, something to trigger his adrenalin. Today he tried something new: Escape the building, more like the noisy people to live a normal life for at least one day.

The young man stood in front of the big gate. The high wall in front of him was the only thing preventing him from the freedom he seeked for such a long time. Soon he would be free, even if it meant for just a short period of time. He took a deep breath, exhaled it before climbing at the hindrance between him and the outside world. It was unsteady on the top of the wall so he immediately sat down to not fall down. His destination was some meters away from him, calling him to test the air of freedom. He looked around in the mansion to see if anyone noticed him on top of the wall but nobody was in the proximity.

Here was the less guarded area of the building, that was why he choose this spot as his escape route from the prison behind him. He jumped down, landed on the soft ground of the street.

It was the first time he broke the rule and left his home without asking for his parents' approval. The reason he didn't ask for their permission was simple. Whenever he asked to leave alone or accompany a maid outside, they would always remind him how scary the humans outside were. They even used excuses like he was too kind for the outside world. He knew they wanted to scare him by lying to him but the fairytales they always told him, didn't hold him back from seeking adventure on his own. He wanted to gather his own experience in the world beyond his bedroom. Beside the people outside can't be so cruel, scary or dangerous like his parents always revealed him.

However the short man was aware of the fact that his parents wanted to protect him by hiding him like a precious baby from the evilness of humanity but he wanted to see the world himself. He would never experience anything if he only hide in his chamber, read stories from his books and learnt from his teachers. So why should he ask for their approval if they would object and lock him away if he asked for permission to leave home? It even felt good to ditch his family and search for some fresh airs.

His toes moved up and down on the soft ground, more like on the sands. Since his birth he only knew how it felt to walk on large carpets covering on the hard ground. He was bothered with his shoes on so he took them off, feeling the sand under his feet. It was funny. It felt like the warm small grains could massage his sore feet.

His feet trampled on the same spot. He liked the way it sounded as his feet touched the sands. It gave him a feeling of freedom. A fresh breeze blowed over him, leaving cold chill running down his spine. He stretched out his arms, let the cold wind touching as if it was flirting with him. The way the wind raised up his airs on his body was tickling, he laughed like a silly boy. So that was the goosebumps his maids always talked about. He never had goosebumps before so it was it was refreshing for him. He wanted more of the feeling he got for the first time. Every worries in his mind faded away.

It felt great to be gently caressed by the wind. The freedom he always wanted, was just within his grips. He needed to find out more about this world but before he set on his journey, he looked at himself. His neck-length black hair were purposely made messy, his bangs were sightly hiding his beautiful captivating eyes. His clothes, a blue pants and a shabby hemd, looked casual enough for him to be mistaken as a servant for a noble family. Like this, nobody would recognize him for who he really was. Great! He was proud of his own disguise.

SOTUS: The Kingdom of the sun and moon (M-Preg)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora