Chapter 9

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Here's chapter 9 of this stor, enjoy it :)


It was already dark outside, maybe 3 a.m. in the morning. Ever since the Crown Prince Arthit sneaked in the dungeon to visit the captivated Chan Tha and Thura, two days already passed by since then. The day of their punishment was just before the door, knocking on it to let him know they would die tomorrow morning if he didn't do something to save them. It was important for his Highness to rescue them or else he would regret it for the rest of his life if they died just because of him. Beside he needed to prove Chan Tha's something, showing him he wasn't the weak man he met 4 years ago.

Arthit looked at the golden sword with the lion crest craved on it, it was the sword the Emperor ordered to craft for him after his inauguration as the Crown Prince the day he turned fourteen years old. At that time, he thought he didn't have any use for this golden weapon since he was too young, inexperienced and trusted his guards to protect him from any harms too. But today, this sword could prove him his usefulness by helping him to save his two comrades.

The sword found its place in the sword holder, Arthit remained in front of the entrance of his chamber, he saw down to his imperial guards who were laying on the ground, they passed out from the food, containing sleeping medicine, he just offered them to eat. The eunuch Thiha stood behind him in the middle of the room, staring at the black fruit resembling a grape in his hand, thinking over his decision if he should eat it or not. He was afraid something bad could happen to him if he ate it. The royal physiscian, more loyal to the Crown Prince than to the Emperor, made them this fruit that could put them immediately to sleep. A thought dawned n Thiha's head: he should trust the royal physician right? Since he was at their side and helped them to execute their plan today.

His Highness turned back to him, waiting for him to eat the fruit before he set on his journey. The young Thiha was scared for his life but as he caught a glimpse of Arthit's little smile, his fear faded away as if it never existed before. He always loved his master's smile. Apart from wishing for his freedom, he always wanted him to maintain the cheerful man he was, he should always smile. But his Highness could lose his smile forever if this two prisoners die tomorrow. To preserve his genuine smile, he would do anything, even swallow thie filthy looking fruit. Even if he die, he wouldn't regret it since he did it for the sake of his master.

While closing his eyes, he gulped down the fruit in a go without chewing on it. It tasted bitter like the bitter medicine the Crown Prince always drank to help him be healthy since caught cold easily. At first he didn't feel anything, thinking the medicine didn't work at all. When he wanted to curse the physician for giving him a false fruit, his view suddenly blurred, his knees felt weak. He couldn't stay straight at his own feet, his last strength left him whereupon he fell onto his knees. He was trying to fight against the medicine but it didn't last long till he fell uncounscious.

After Arthit made sure he slept peacefully, he went over the unconscious guards, sneaking out of his Crown Prince eastwings, hiding behind a wall when he heard voices of guards coming toward him. He covered his mouth with the dark scarf around his neck, hiding his face from every men. The four men disappeared into another corner, he immediately ran in the other westwings of the palace that was less guarded. Fortunately only two guards were guarding the door. The older man drank something out of a claypot, was already drunk but refused to let go of the alcohol. The younger man named Ko Bright noticed Arthit lurking around in the corner, finally realizing it was time to leave their spot so the latter could sneak out the palace. He forced the older soldier to take a rest with him. They disappeared into a corner.

Arthit looked around, nobody was in the proximity so he dashed to the entrance, trying to open it but another soldier approached him. He turned back and stand in position, playing a guard.

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