Chapter 2

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The story continue where the weird but handsome stranger appeared :) Sorry I couldn't do any proofreading because I'm still in the middle of learning for my exams (The last exam is tomorrow)

Have fun reading this chapter


The man crossed his arms on his chest, looking down at the thieves as if they weren't worth his time. His facial expression didn't change for a minute. The serious expression remained on his face, signalising them he was someone not to mess with. What the hell should this behaviour toward them be?

„Who're you?", the injured man asked, groining in pain. His nose was really broken.

„You're not worth to know my name", the saviour said. His lips curved up into a little smile, he was clearly looking down on him. „I don't want your filthy mouth to speak my name."

„I'll kill you", the man yelled.

The chief of the bandits ran to punch him in the face but the stranger quickly grabbed his two wooden staff attached to his back, jumped at him and hit him on the arm before the latter could reach him. The second staff hit him on the stomach. From where the innocent man was standing, he could even hear how the thiefs' stomach twisted from the hard Blow. The stronger man crouched down on the ground, screaming in agony.

The innocent man wasn't familiar with martial arts but he saw one of his guard practisizing this compat sport before. It called the krabi-krabong, a weapon-based martial art, it originated from Siam. But how could a young man like him master such swordsmanship?

The two other men tried to take revenge for their boss, they ran to him, wanted to punch him too. To avoid their fists, the thin man turned around to stand behind them, facing them with his back while swinging his wooden weapons. His one staff hit the left man on the back, the second staff the third thief on the head. The thieves fell down to the ground, gasping and hissing in pain.

Within a few seconds, three strong men were laying uncounsious on the ground. Everything happened so fast, the innocent man couldn't follow him with his eyes. If he didn't witness the fight with his own eyes, he would think someone bigger than them just beat them to a pulp. But the man responsible for their injuries wasn't taller than them but a thin handsome young man who could been mistaken as a hwarang from the shilla dynasty.

He felt an urge to applaude for his life saviour. He even did so, to the surprise of the thin man. The latter raised one of his eyebrowns, looking awkwardly at him as if the man in front of him was crazy. As he realized the young boy was still there, he glared at him and ignored the shorter man as if he was someone he didn't need to pay any attention to. The little thief dropped the bag and ran away from fear. The handsome man went there, grabbed at the bag then came back to the naive man, holding the bag in front of him.

„Don't wander around on such street when you can't even defend yourself", it sounded like the other man wasn't warning him out of concern for his safety but out of rage. Apparantly his weak appearance irritated him as much as his carefree personaly. The handsome man was someone who hated weaklings. Seeing such a weak creature in front of him, just made his blood boil from anger.

It was obvious that the taller man was looking down at him but the shorter man just nodded then bowed to him to express his gratitude. „I'm sorry for being such a burden for you... But I'm grateful you saved my life."

„Whatever...", his I-don't-care-attitude was too obvious, even to the latter who was sometimes oblivious. „You're a noble, right?"

„How... How did you know about it? I thought my disguise as a servant was perfect."

SOTUS: The Kingdom of the sun and moon (M-Preg)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt