Chapter 8

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So this is chapter 8 of this story, enjoy it while reading it ;)


Seeing the bread his Highness gave her, her memories of the past awakened. She remembered their first meeting from 4 years ago. That time she was so hungry but didn't have any money and needed to beg pedestrians for food. Although she begged since the morning, everyone just passed by, ignoring her sad state as if they didn't even care if she died from hunger or not. That time his Highness lost his way, found her and gave her bread to eat. She was so happy that she even broke down in tears. Yeah, she was the young girl from 4 years ago. According to herself, Arthit saved her, he gave her a new will. The will to live.

„It was clearly prohibited for women to participate in the match. Why did you disguise yourself as a man?", it was the first thing Arthit wanted to ask her about.

„Because I wanted to see you again, thanking you for everything you did for me. I want to serve you, your Highness."

„I didn't do anything as giving you something to eat."

„It's not true. For you it may be a simple food you gave me but this bread was more than food for me. You saved me that day. That time I gave up on life and wanted to just die, sleeping peacefully and never wake up again since I couldn't live the this kind of life anymore. But you came, gave me the will to live by offering me something to eat. Ever since I was born, I didn't experience anything good in my life. My father died young and my mother sold me for money when I was just five years old. The people I encountered till now just used me, either as a prostitute or as a slave untill I escaped some day... I thought it would be better to leave on the street but didn't know how hard life outside the wall would be for me. Since I didn't have any coins with me, I couldn't buy anything to eat and needed to search for food in the dustbin", was the story she told him. She wanted to reveal him more but she swallowed hard to not reminisce about her dark, painfull past. Such filthy story didn't need to be heard by Arthit, a man with his high status. She didn't want him to pity her either.

„I thought everyone was selfish in this country till I met you. You changed my mind towards this country by showing me that good people still existed too. I searched for you, the man who gave me new meaning of life and wanted to see serve you but you never appeared in the town again until 2 years ago. You were helping and playing with some street kids in a dangerous town."

„Why didn't you approach me that time?"

„Before I could talk to you, many guards suddenly surrounded you and took you away. I followed you to save you, thinking they captured you to bring you in the dungeon. I only realized you was the Crown Prince as they adressed you as his Highness. Even if you was the future ruler of Burma, I still wanted to meet you again. To thank you for saving me 4 years ago."

Thura wanted to touch his hands that hold strongly onto the wooden bars but she retired her hands when she noticed how clean his hands were in contrast to her. She even remembered about his status as the Crown Prince. It was forbidden to touch his Highness but she didn't want to touch his innocent soul with her filthy hands either. Arthit realized she refused to touch him because of his high status but he grabbed at her wrists, seeing how much she was struggling from her birth till now. He almost pitied her but managed to controll his emotion, knowing she didn't wish him to pity her for her sad past.

His eyes wandered over her face. Her big round eyes were the first thing that caught his attention, she was indeed beautiful but choose to act like a man for his sake, even cut her long hairs from 4 years ago. She grew up into a fine lady but her thin, small figure didn't match such charmant, brave young lady. Too sad for her beautiful appearance.

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