Chapter 10

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Here's chapter 10 of this story, it's a little bit long too but I hope you'll like it. Under the chapter, I wrote an explaination about chapter 9 to clear some confusion


The sun was rising up as Arthit and his eleven companions arrived back in the town, a golden ray of lights was shining in the horizont, lightening their path to the palace. Arthit and Knock took their way back to the royal capital in amarapura while the six remaining fighters returned back to their families. Arthit waited in front of the high gate, didn't want to enter this hell but had to force himself to the court, just for Chan Tha's and Thura's sake.

He sighed, took a long breath before speaking loud to the guards inside the palace, yelling his name to introduce himself. Knock laid the leader of the bandits on the ground then hide in a dark corner. As Arthit mentioned his status as the Crown Prince, a general confirmed his identity then quickly opened the gate for him. They bowed down on the ground, didn't dare to look him up in the face. When Knock made sure his master and the leader got safely in the palace, he took another direction, trying to take care of the payment of the fighters.

As soon as His Highness set foot in the palace, his eunuch Ko Thiha ran to him, feeling happy he came back unscathed. But before the Prince could let out a sigh of relief, the eunuch had to break off his short break, stating him the sad news that occured a hour ago. Because the Empress was worried about the Crown Prince, she sent for a maid to look for him in the night. Unfortunately the maid entered his chamber and found out about his disappearance. There was a big commotion about his unknown whereabout, everyone was on high alert, fearing their life while searching for him. An emergency meeting was called from the Emperor, every higher officials had to call a search action throughout the entire nation. The guards he put to sleep with the sleeping medicine already regained their counsciouness but were emprisoned because of their negligence.

It was the brief handover about the event happening in his absence. Arthit knew he was in deep trouble but he gathered his courage to enter the imperial court. Back in the room, the higher officials were on the right and left side from the Emperor, waiting for his decision. The ruler of burma itself sat on his golden throne, eagerly waiting for his son's return. The entrance got opened, everyone turned to see if his Highness really came back uninjured. His father sighed in relief, his heart calmed down after seeing his son alive but he couldn't controll his anger towards him. Again his son disobeyed his order.

The Emperor clenched his hands into fists, trying his best to remain calmn, gritting his teeth at the Crown Prince. Arthit noticed the anger burning in his father's eyes but he still approached the court officials, standing in front of his father. A shocked gasp echoed in the room when they saw the shabby black clothes he wore instead of his imperial gown for the court. Murmur raised amoung them as they noticed the stain on his black clothes being blood. Arthit ignored the murmur for the time being, he bowed down trice as respect towards the Emperor then kneeled down on one of his knee.

„I came back from my mission, Emperor", was the first words he said to the ruler.

The Emperor almost roared in anger but everyone's eyes on him, forced him to maintain his calmness for the time being. Surely, his Highness's disappearance would have an after effect later.

„Your mission? Isn't it more like a fun trip for you?", he raised his voice, hitting his fist on his armrest of the throne, „Because I don't remember giving you a mission."

„You're wrong, Emperor. It wasn't a fun trip like everyone of you're thinking. While you're sitting here in the court, discussing about the appropriate punishment for me, I lead eleven men to evade the Greatest bandits of burma", he answered with a serious voice.

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