Chapter 3

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Sorry I took long with this story :D Finally I found my time to continue writing it so that I could update another chapter of my most favourite genre "Historical"... Most readers wouldn't like this kind of story but I hope you'll have fun reading it, like I did while writing it 


4 years later

A young man walked on the busy market, holding strongly at the headstall of his dark shining horse. His eyes were directed on his road. Customers were busy dealing with the saleswomen like usual on the busy market. Some kids fighting over a trivial matter didn't attract his attention but he noticed a noisy crowd surrounding a poster hanging above them on the wall. Everyone wanted to know the reason why so many people gathered around there but since it didn't concern him anyway, he carried on his journey.

All the sudden he froze on the spot as he heard a young woman mentioning the name of „His Highness". Their discussion now aroused his curiosity. Damn it, he wanted to ignore them but his hands itched to know every details of their conservation. He was too curious so he appraoched them, remaining behind them and listening to their talk.

„I heard the Emperor, the Empress and even his Highness'll visit the tournament", a beautiful woman mentioned, awaking everyone's curiosity with her assumption.

Before he continued to eavesdropping them, his eyes wandered over the poster while he read the informations written on it. It was about a tournament meant only for strong men. Eighteen men from the age of 18 to 22 were allowed to take part in the match, even those with lowly birth were welcomed in the tournament. It was everyone's chance to grab at some recognition from the Emperor. There were three stations to accomplish in a single day, the first one was the horsemanship, the second was about showing your arching skills then followed with the last two participants fighting against each other with their swords. The winner would be rewarded with a special gift. It was even scritly indicated that women weren't allowed to take part in the competition. There woud be a servere punishment if a woman disguised as a man to participate too. It was posted just some minutes ago and today the tournemant would take place too. Surely they did it at a short notice to not give time for traitors to prepare for an assassination. Clever!

The young man loved challenges that could make him stronger but this competition sounded too boring for him. But for some reason, he couldn't set forth on his journey, ignoring everything happening around him. His instinct warned him to leave but his heart was telling him the opposite. According to his own heart he should go there, see his Highness for himself. 

„His Highness'll be present too? I need to sit between the spectators. Maybe he'll notice my beauty and take me as the Crown Princess", another girl threw in the round.

The tall man looked at the woman who just complimented herself for being a beauty, he rated her appearance from head to toes. He admitted, she was indeed the most beautiful amoung the girls but for him beauty wasn't everything or important in the world. For him the ideal wife would be a woman with brain, she must be smart and brave enough to challange every man, or even himself. A well-mannered woman would never win him over either but a woman with authencity and self-confidence. She should be strong enough to defend herself against dangers, should be mentally and physically prepared for any sudden turn of event. But where would he find such woman? Did she even exist? Probably not because every women he met till now were obsessed with their look. They were searching for rich men they could marry to have an easy life so they didn't need to work but could order their servants around. He hated such conceited humans. They weren't even worth for him to became acquaintance with them.

„Do you know how we can enter the competition as spectators?", another one asked her.

„No, I heard only court officials or families of rich officials were allowed to sit in the spectators bench. The place would be strictly guarded too since the royal family would be present too."

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