Chapter 14

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I'm sorry that it took a while for me to update the next chapter. I had to work and had class in every evenings too but I passed my last exams of the apprenticeship :) Since I have too much going on right now, I won't have time to update regularly like before.

Still, I hope you enjoy this chapter :) 


The Crown Prince's chamber wasn't the only room available in the eastwings of the palace. There were altogether five more rooms, of course not so large as his Highness's chamber but they were reserved for Arthit's important guests he wished to be close to him. The bigger chamber closest to his Highness's room was occupied, a tall man was laying there, eyed closed as if he was already in realm where he would never wake up again. His upper body was stripped down from his cloths but his lower body was covered with the blanket till to his taille, hiding the lethal wound on his stomach. On the left side of the bed, a shorter man was laying there with his face turned to the taller man, cuddling in to him like a tired cat snuggling next to his owner. The latter was sleeping, safe and sound.

One of the two young men moved his hand, the person finally opened his eyes, his vision were still blurry but he closed his eyes then opened them again to adjust to the light. Now his view became clearlier. The first thing his eyes set upon was the ceiling of the room, he tried to lift up his arm but sharp pain shoot through his entire body as soon as he tried to move. But the pain was nothing for him, he still moved his right arm, clenching his hand into fist, trying to see if he could hold a sword again. But his body was in a good shape. Even if he still felt weak, he was sure that he could swing a weapon again when he regained his strength.

He moved his head to look aside, a surprise awaited him there. To his own surprise, a young man was sleeping peacefully next to him as if it was his right to acclaim the place beside him. As if it was something he did everyday, he was sleeping beside him without worrying about the servants watching them. But it was the first time they were so close to each other, sleeping on the same bed too. Kongpob smiled at the childish look on the Crown Prince's face. Arthit's face was paler than usual, his red lips parted from each other, breathing sound faintly came out of his slightly opened mouth. The faint sound of his shallow breath echoed in the air. Seeing Arthit sleeping safe and sound next to him, reminded the taller man of the sun rising up, enlightening the darkness in the wide horizont. Again Kongpob thought the name Arthit like the sun was just meant for him.

Kongpob chuckled at the shorter man's sleeping position. For him, Arthit didn't look like a Crown Prince of a nation right now but more like a normal spoiled brat who was afraid to lose his important toy, wanting to be there for him before the latter woke up.

With a smile on his lips, Kongpob reached out his hand to him, caressing him on the cheek, taking some of the shorter man's bodyheat to raise his own cold bodytemperature. His fingers caressed over Arthit's bangs, he moved them up behind his ear. The warm touch disturbed the Prince in his sleep, it slowly pulled the latter out of his dream. As he woke up, Kongpob quickly retired his arm before the latter could notice him being wide awake. The shorter man realized that he was being watched by Kongpob, he felt shy for an unknown reason, didn't knew what to do. Only now did he remember the wound on the taller man's stomach, he quickly sat up, gazing at him. He wanted to touch him but was having a hard time to resist the urge of touching him.

„You... You woke up...", he stuttered, couldn't believe the almost dying Kongpob woke up from his long, deep sleep. Tears of joy filled his eyes but he hold them back and wipped them with the back of his hands. He wanted to scream out of joy but he unfortunately touched him on the wound whereupon the taller man immediately sat up, moaning in pain.

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