Chapter 19

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Here is chapter 19 of the historical story :) I'm sorry that it took long to update but I had a writing blockade and needed to take a break to rethink about it :D

Warning: There are some scenes that contains a little bit of violence so don't read it if you don't want to. But go ahead if you're strong enough

Enjoy the Update :)


Kongpob laid Arthit down on the bed, sitting beside him. The latter curled up like a small ball, wrapping his arms firmly around his stomach, trying to ease the pain by pressing harder onto the stomach that was hurting. His face turned from red to pale, his body temperature raised too but he still felt cold, was sweating too. It was hard for him to speak and breath regularly. Now that Arthit was put of the range of the higher officials, he screamed in pain, tears falling down his eyes. The taller man wipped off the warm tears with his fingers. He carressed at Arthit's head, had to force himself to look at the crying Arthit. Arthit grabbed at Kongpob's warm hand that laid on his forehead, his whole body trembling.

For the first time in his life Kongpob felt helpless, couldn't do anything as sitting here and watching him cry in pain even though he wanted to help him so much. Whenever assassins tried to hurt the shorter man, he would always be on the spot to rescue him. Untill now he was sure he could always protect him from getting hurt but today's unexpected situation showed him that it wasn't possible to protect him from every sufferings. If he was careless enough to let someone hurt him, he would risk to lose him someday. His chest felt heavy as if heavy burden was loaded onto his shoulder, it hurted to see his lover writhing in pain but he couldn't less the sufferings either. He clenched his hands into fists, his fingernails piercing into his palms, hurting himself.

Maprang kneeled down at the ground, gazing at her hero she loved so much. She covered a hand on her mouth to not let a sound of cry come out. Since she didn't want the prince to feel sad that she cried for him, she hold back her tears.

Ko Thiha couldn't take it anymore, it hurted too much to look at his precious crown prince he adored. Tears filled his eyes, he couldn't hold them back anymore. He just sobbed by himself, turning away so none of them would notice that he was crying. But they already realized that he was crying, they just didn't want to disturb him about it. They were busy with their own guilty feelings. The three of them were blaming themselves for letting his Highness be so ill that he was crying in pain.

„Ah, the crown prince's physician!", the eunuch finally remembered. He hit on his own head for being so stupid that he even forgot the only person who could help them right now. The crown prince's physiscian was the only man who could save his Highness. He was in charge of taking care for his Highness's health after all. Why didn't I think of him sooner?

The eunuch ran out of the room without telling them about his own plan. Kongpob could guess about his plan but he just let him be. Even if he didn't trust anyone here, maybe the old physician could help them. Meanwhile Arthit lost his counsciouness. It didn't last long and Thiha came back with a claypot filled with a brown medicine. It was exacetly the same bitter medicine Arthit had to drink everday to stay healthy. Because the taller man was helpless right now, Thiha didn't need him anymore. He shoved Chan Tha aside but Arthit didn't let the taller man's hand go, it seemed like he wanted him next to him. But Thiha didn't care about the prince's wish right now. His health was more important so he forced their hands apart.

Before Ko Thiha could even lift up the shorter man, a beautiful and elegant dressed woman entered the chamber without giving the man outside a chance to announce her visit. As soon as Ko Thiha and Maprang recognized the Empress behind them, they immediately went into their knees, bowing down while looking at the ground. They didn't dare to look up at her, the mother of Burma. Only Kongpob didn't bow down to her, he just bowed down his head as a form of respect towards her. Fortunately she was too worried about her son that she didn't even notice his disrespectful behaviour. She dashed to her son, sat beside him. Her hand carefull went over her son's head, realizing he was running a high fever. For a mother, it was hard to maintain her comporuse after seeing her lovely son suffer like that.

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