Chapter 26

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I WAS LAYING OUTSIDE AND A FREAKING BEE CAME AND STANG MY KNEE PIT!  HOW RUDE ;-; STAYING INSIDE EVEN THOUGH THAT'S WHY I'M SO FREAKING FLUFFING PALE ;-;... I use to be so tan you wouldn't even believe me though Like the difference is scary.

Yoongi's POV

I wasn't surprised that I passed all of my finals up to this point. I had only taken the finals for music, composition, and grammar however. Today was the dreaded day I took Chemistry, Algebra 2, and Gym. I know gym would seem like an easy one but I don't like running laps in a circle like some dog, it annoys me and i'm not that good at it.

Because of scheduling however, Jimin's class will be taking that exam in the gym when we take our Chemistry exam... And we are taking the exam in the gym. My classroom is being used for a different exam so we are taking it on paper in the bleacher section.. That means after I finish I can freely watch Jimin and also see what to expect later that day.

I got to the gym early and saw a few of my friends there in their gym uniforms. Taehyung was annoying Jungkook on the basketball court while some other kids played around. Before the bell rang Jimin came out in his gym clothes and I smiled. He was in a lose fit white t-shirt with nice fitting black gym shorts and high top tennis shoes.

I smirked knowing I would be watching him the entire time. Eventually my teacher came in and gave us our test. It was 3 pages... I did good for the first page, refusing to look out at Jimin and forced myself to focus... After that however, I lost sight in my priorities. I looked out and saw Jimin stretching before he and a group of guys began to run laps.

They were being timed, I assume they are supposed to run a certain amount of time for a certain grade. I enjoyed watching Jimin run, he wasn't going nearly as fast as the other 2 running with him so he got left behind. I didn't understand why he let them run faster when he was a very fast runner. I eventually caught on that he was pacing himself when one of the other guys had to stop. Jimin and one other person were still running however as the other person had to start slowing down Jimin was able to speed up some.

I realized Jimin had been running for 4 minutes now and he was beginning to sweat. I didn't mind however, I liked the damp hair look on him with flushed cheeks. After 10 minutes and 14 seconds Jimin stopped and panted with his hands on his knees. He was congratulated and got a 100 on that portion. I smiled at him before going back to my test.

I managed to get to the last page and I was grumbling at my paper. I hated science. After what felt like an eternity I finished the test and turned it in before going back to sit down and watch Jimin without interruptions. Now they were doing pushups.

Taehyung was with Jungkook who was currently doing pushups. Jungkook was incredible and I was shocked at how many pushups the kid did before he stopped. Jungkook did 45 pushups without any breaks. He got a low A which annoyed me because that was a lot of work so he deserved a 100. Jimin went next sadly being placed with Ming.

Jimin glared at Ming and said something that made the other look down in shame. I smirked knowing that Jimin was doing that because of the rumor stuff but it still made me happy to see. After Ming went and got 30 pushups giving him a low C next Jimin went. I wanted to cheer but I knew my teacher would kill me so I silently counted a long and crossed my fingers.

Jimin did 47 pushups so he also got a low A but I was proud. Even if he got an F I would have enjoyed watching his arm muscles as he did the work out. After that they got their overall grades and left to wash up. I shot Jimin a wink as he left causing him to blush and jog into the locker room.

After the class ended I went to my next test. I got a B on my Chemistry test, which was honestly the best thing ever since I had Jimin distracting me and I hated the subject. Somehow I got a B on my Algebra test as well which was a miracle because I guessed for half of it. Now all that was left was Gym....

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