Chapter 29

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Sorry this took so long ;-; it's crazy. I only had today off from work and my sister is going to Korea to visit her Hubby who is in the US army over there for 10 days meaning... I get to help watch her 2 year old and her 11 month... AH I have to listen for them at night and get up when they do I'm so tired XD BUT I DYED MY HAIR :D Might put a pic at the end IDK Yet BUT if you are from Camera Shy then yes, you heard right. I'm going to do a sequel but I will still update this as well and hopefully the sequel will be out by Friday :D


3rd person (Sorry it switches POV a lot in this chapter)

"I need to tell you about my family... I don't want it to be a secret from you anymore and it will explain a lot about some of my... faults." Jin started and Namjoon smiled kindly at him as he sat next to him on the couch.

"Okay, take your time." Namjoon said putting a hand on Jin's leg.

"I was never very close to my parents. They often ridiculed me and punished me for never being good enough to be considered their son. They finally decided they were tired of me holding them back when I was 13 and they put me in a foster home... After 2 months a woman named Cho-Eun came by and when she saw me she said he fell in love. She took me home that very day, although she didn't officially adopt me until 2 weeks later. That's why I never call her Mom, I just can't seem to bring myself to do it since I know the woman I once called Mom hated me and left me..." Jin stopped and took a big breath before sighing.

"I got a letter from my parents however and they said they were coming to graduation and i'm so scared to see them. I can't bare seeing them, they hated me and gave me away like I was nothing! I don't want to see them and disappoint them even more." Jin said tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Hey... Don't say that. If they come all that they are going to see is the most beautiful man in the entire world graduate from an extremely hard to get into school that only takes talented people and they will feel nothing but pain and regret for not loving you like you deserved." Namjoon said pulling Jin into his arms.

"I love you." Jin said snuggling into Namjoon.

"I love you too. Besides I'll be there the entire time." Namjoon added kissing the crown of the other's head.

"You better be." Jin mumbled smiling as Namjoon laughed at his remark.

Yoongi's POV

I felt somehow bad about what I was doing, but it was for the best. Jimin needed this push and he would thank me later. Jimin really wanted to audition for Dance Net's company to be a trainee there. Other much larger companies such as BigHit, Starship, Jellyfish and others all pick from Dance Net for their background singers or back up dancers. 

I took a video of Jimin dancing for him last week so he could watch it and critique it to perfect the dance. I showed Hoseok the dance and he said it was flawless however, and Hoseok would know so with that being said I decided it was perfect.

I just sent the video to Dance Net and gave them Jimin's information for if they choose him... I hope he won't be mad but this would be HUGE for him and I don't want him to miss out of his dreams just because he was scared.

I shook of the worried feeling in my gut and walked back to my house where I found my parent's waiting.

"Yoongi, you graduate in a week. What are your plans for after that?" My father asked and I sighed.

"I am going to take up my scholarship and continue making music tracks at BigHit while also getting college credits in the process." I said and my dad nodded.

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