Echoes - 7

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"Still trying to pick the curtains?"

Alex turned to the store door. "You pick them, Claire," she said, handing the fat folder of fabric samples to the girl. "I suck at these things."

Claire gave her one of the paper cups she'd brought and took the folder, only to close it, smiling.

"White, Al. Simple, classic white curtains. We need light, not flashy. Shall we?"

"Yeah, let's go. Not home, though. I'll tell you on the way."

As the Hilux drove across town, Claire grew more and more surprised as she heard about Alex's conversation with Father Jason.

"And what's gonna be our excuse to knock on Kat's door?" she asked. "Not like we're friends."

"I still gotta come up with something," Alex replied, pulling over. "Any brilliant idea off the top of your head?"

"I should charge you."

Kat invited them in with a weary smile. Alex noticed her reddened eyes and glanced at Claire, seeing she was looking around in a casual way.

"Sorry to bother you, Kat," Alex said. "I know this ain't a good time."

"It's okay," Kat replied, motioning for them to sit down around the coffee table in the living room.

"You see, we're here on Father Jason's name, y'know. We were wondering what would work better for a garage sale. I mean, for a little fundraising for you. Would you pick food or garden plants?"

Kat's eyes welled and she broke down in tears. Claire hurried to sit by her side and put an arm around her shoulders. Alex sighed when Kat crumbled down in Claire's arms, mumbling about the bank deadline and the threat of foreclosure because of Neil's debts.

Claire signaled Alex to go grab a glass of water from the kitchen. She held Kat, trying to soothe her, and felt something like a freezing gust blowing down the stairs. She looked up and found Felicity standing on top of it, the music box to her chest in her little hands. The child glared down at Claire and she held back a cry, feeling like icy fingers closing around her throat.

Felicity came down the stairs slowly, watching Alex bring water for her mother, and heard Kat thank her with a shaky voice. Claire could only stare at the little girl, shocked by the hostility swirling around her like a dark cloud. Kat spotted her daughter and forced a smile.

"Come, Bunny. I want you to meet two friends."

Felicity's glare didn't soften, but curiosity sparkled in her eyes. Kat took her in her arms.

"They're Claire and Alex, Bunny, and they're here 'cause they wanna help us. They're friends with Father Jason too. You remember him, right?"

Felicity only nodded. Alex noticed Claire's intense stare fixed on the little girl and spoke in a firm, warm way.

"Felicity, right? Tell me, Felicity, what would you pick to help Mom? Would you plant flowers in little pots? Or would you bake chocolate cookies?"

Felicity's face lit up with a smile. "Cookies! Are we baking chocolate cookies, Mom?"

Kat nodded with another weary smile.

"Will you help us?" Alex asked the little girl. "We can bake a good bunch, keep some for ourselves and give the rest to Father Jason and all our friends."

"Yay! Let's bake!" Felicity wriggled for Kat to let her go and sprinted to the kitchen.

Alex followed her. "Hey, wait, little lady!" She caught up with the child and crouched down before her, leveling their eyes. "Look, now it's almost dinner time, so we're baking tomorrow, okay? Claire and I are coming after lunch, and the four of us are gonna bake loads and loads of chocolate cookies. Deal?"

"I'm going to eat them all!"

"No way. I am!"

"You can have one or two."

"That's so not fair."

Kat and Claire smiled, watching them from the living room.

"It's the first time I hear her laugh ever since Neil..."

"Al's got a way with children," Claire said softly. "So, are you free tomorrow afternoon? Or should we do it some other day?"

"No, no, tomorrow's perfect."

Alex came back with Felicity by the hand. The child still held the music box to her chest.

"So no, Claire and I are gonna go shopping for all we need to bake, and we'll come back tomorrow, okay?"

"Are you really coming back?"

"You bet! Now would you show us to the door?"

Alex traded a glance with Claire as Felicity led her to the front door. Kat tried to thank them again, but the girl shook her head.

"Don't even mention it, Kat."

By the front door, Alex crouched in front of Felicity again. This time, she nodded to the music box.

"That's one nice music box, little lady. Father Jason told me your guardian angel lives in there. Is that right?"

The child nodded eagerly. "Yes!"

Alex winked at her. "Then take good care of it."

Kat and Felicity lingered at the porch, waving the Corbans goodbye. Alex's phone buzzed when she was sitting behind the Hilux and she picked up.

"Father Jason?"

Claire saw her face darken and hurried to get in the truck. Alex disconnected without a word, forced a smile to honk at Kat, geared in and hit the gas.

"Did you hear what Kat said about the foreclosure?" she asked, anticipating Claire's question.

"Yeah. The bank would only give her a week to catch up with the mortgage payments."

"Well, now that I've quit, Rod Smith is in charge of the mortgage department. And he just had a heart attack. Thirty minutes after visiting Kat to let her know about the deadline."

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