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"So your sorrow comes from your fear of losing her."

I frowned, taken aback by The Guardian's conclusion.

He noticed. "You are afraid of her changing and not needing you anymore. You think she will no longer love you if she does not need you."

I was trying to stomach his words when he stood up.

"Wait! I told you what you wanted. Now let them go."

"This little truth keeps them alive, hunter's child. For you ignored it, but you are wise enough to accept it. You will need more than that to win their freedom."

The fire went off and he left me alone in the dark again.

Can you believe it? Your life hanging from a thread and the damn oldtimer expected me to meditate on my bond with Claire!

Shit! There's not only soil down here! There are sharp pebbles too, and one of them just cut my finger. I can feel the blood dripping. Such a pity. I ain't giving up.

Little truth, he said. Little truth my ass! What good is my silly little truth doing for you? It sure ain't helping me to find you!

You're still here, somewhere, buried in this hideous loose soil.

But I'm gonna find you. And we're going to Stu's together. We're gonna play some good old rock on the jukebox, have a well-earned ale and leave all this shit behind. Just like back in your first weeks in town. Remember how much fun we had dancing after a tough day?

I try to recall any wound to keep me some company while I look for you, my hand covered in an awful mix of blood and soil. The first thing that comes to mind is a rabid piano. An all-time classic.

One Friday night. It snowed like Doomsday was upon us. But we still went to Stu's. All of us: Bass and Jack, Markus and Alice, Sandy, you, me. You played Great Balls Of Fire on the jukebox and called me to join you among the empty tables. Your eyes shone so bright, that smile of yours daring me.

The others cheered for you, so I killed my ale and joined you. And you hardly gave me a chance to take your hand. You made me spin and started dancing. You're such a good dancer. I could only try to follow you. Everything around us disappeared—the storm, the others laughing and clapping, the universe. All my attention was focused on you. When the song ended, you tugged at my hand to stop chest to chest, our faces an inch away.

God! Wish I'd kissed you there and then! Wish I were more open and let you in! And maybe none of this would've happened...

Don't Open That Door - GoM 1Where stories live. Discover now