Not all Truths are Not Lies

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I have been in love with the same person for the past 4 years.

It may actually be true because I am in a steady and serious relationship for the past 4 years but it doesn't prove that I have loved only one person during my quote serious and steady relationship.

'Hi, Saree! Are you ready for lunch?'

'Sure! I'll just pack this up'.

Despite the fact that I Sarah Bree Thomas have tons of deadlines for the day.

This has been the normal scenario between Chris and me for almost a month now. I am wearing goody good shoes Student Affairs Associate while he is the political science professor. Well, he is too good-looking to become one but trust me he is. And unlike your typical professor, he is this guy next door type who is narcissistic and arrogant most of the time. Many female despise him vocally at work for his conceited, but I know secretly every single or even married woman at work have been eyeing him. His sex appeal is just too immense to disregard.

He would come to my office at 10:30 AM after his class and offer me an early lunch. It ruins my diet but oh well I enjoy being with him. I enjoy how people would stare at us on our way outside the university grounds. As one of the most eligible bachelors on campus and being undeniably good-looking and intelligent Chris is the kind of person you would want your name to be posted next to.

Students, faculty, and staff alike would obviously stare on the first few days we'd eat lunch together. But since it has been a daily chore no one seems to bother.

Everyone now thinks we're actually dating. But stop! There's something wrong with that picture. NOT ALL TRUTHS ARE NOT LIE after all.


It's the start of the school year and the different colleges have been too busy preparing for the most awaited Acquaintance party. Here the faculty joins the fun and drops off the eyeglasses, lesson plans, and everything for one night and one night only.

Chris as one of the tenured faculty is required to join the fun. And me? I'm not practically assigned to their college so why bother?

But here he is again at 5:00 pm sitting in my office begging me to join their college's party that is about to start.

'Saree you should join us. Promise it will be fun.' He begs, half sitting on my desk while I am looking at my computer screen as if working.

'Chris it's a costume party, and obviously, I'm not wearing a costume.' I rebut.

I'm still wearing the stupid black and yellow uniform for the entire day which I know full well is not something you'll wear at a party.

'That's fine. I can change back into my uniform for you, just please come with me?! Please!' 

He is now closing the gap between our faces with his palms folded together beggingly. Ugh! His lips and dark grey eyes are too cute to ignore.

For the record, Chris despises wearing a uniform especially the yellow polo for the day. He is now wearing a blue-fitting shirt, his clean-cut hair neatly pressed on with gel, and his sparkling eyes that would stare like a god, very superior yet angelic.

'I'm not invited'

'I invited you'

'You had your head count for the food I'm nowhere included on that one'

'We can share'

'I have not told my Mom in advance that I'm going home early, she must have prepared dinner already'

'Let's call your mom'

'I can't come looking like this?! I'm all sweaty and filthy and not in any way ready for a costume party.'

'You look beautiful and perfect.' Sounding haughty as if he can do this banter all night.

There I give my piece. A debater he is I'm sure I can't win this one.

We entered the hall late. As the only two people not wearing a costume no one bothered to look at us. I'm still wearing my stinky uniform while he is in his godly aura. I know I can be stricken by lightning and the rest of the people won't even notice.

I totally feel out of place. I am not a member of their college. I barely know their faculty except for the few who have been giving me referrals. And I am not wearing a freaking costume!

Yet, Chris is all gentle and warm. When the official photographer asked us to pose he responsively placed his arms around my shoulders and brought me closer. During the dinner he prepared a seat for me beside him, we are seated alone at the front end of the hall sharing one plate. Though I've seen that extra plates are actually available, he insisted on getting the food for both of us to share, and during the college photo, he pulled me to join the team.

All of a sudden the feeling of I don't belong burst into thin air. I know where I belong.

After the party, he insisted on bringing me home on his motorcycle even though my house is totally out of the way. I panicked! He can't bring me home. Not yet. Not ever.

Yet, I can't say NO when all the students are staring at us arguing by the gate.

Again a debater as he is, I can't win.

He has no idea where my house is. My mother and I are renting a two-bedroom apartment in a three-story building that is only a few miles from the school. I never told him that before, because I enjoy eating lunch with him. If he knew I am obliged to go home for lunch he might not bother asking me out anymore. FINE it's too childish of a reason, but it sounds better than the real reason: My mother will grill me alive if she happens to see me being brought home by a gentleman on a motorcycle.

Still, Chris brought me home on his motorcycle.

As soon as I stepped down from his ride and faced him to say I had a great night. Instead of just saying bye he pecked a kiss on my cheek and said goodnight.

I froze. I never believed that time could stand still when you are in love but this time it did. (I'm not saying I'm in love. okay?) But time did stand still.

I have no idea how long I stood beside the road but I surely hope I didn't look like a fool.

It took me some time to climb to the third floor of our apartment. I was too engrossed in thinking and reviewing every perfect happening that night. This explains why I failed to realize that my mother is now at the top flight of the stairs looking at me.

I told my mother that I was requested to join the acquaintance party at work to judge the costumes. She didn't see Chris by the road. Whew! Thank God!

The weekend passed with nothing from Chris. No call, no SMS, nothing.

I have not expected anything...

I did think he might text to say good night...

Fine! I waited for him to text or call me after that magical night, but he didn't.


Author's note:

Please be kind to me. This is my first-ever attempt at writing and your comments, suggestions, questions are all welcome. Let me know what you think of this first chapter. I'll write the next parts soon enough. 



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