Broken Car

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"Chiara's the girl you're referring to right?" He asked.

"Yes." I hesitated

"Chiara is my cousin, so there's no competition there." He teasingly kissed my forehead.

"I love it when you're jealous, that's my new favorite version of you." he teased while kissing my head.

"Your cousin? As in blood relative?" I asked back while trying to hide my face in utter shame.

"Yep, the last time I checked, cousins are blood relatives, so yes." He is now looking at me still holding me close.

I can die on the spot! This is too embarrassing. Why have I not thought of that? But, why? How?

"Then why are you so different when she's there?" I asked.

"Back then I have not told my family yet about you, I don't want to jinx it you know."

"So now they know?" I inquired.

"Yes, just told them about us last night."

"But there's no us, remember? I have a boyfriend."

"There's no us, yet. And yes, I told you I'll wait. I have waited for you my whole life, I want to do this the right way." So if you please milady, shall we take our lunch? I'm starving.

"This isn't waiting Chris. This is a scam!"

"No it isn't and you know it. So now, tell me shall we milady?" He still have not let go of my hands, and is looking intently on my eyes. Then my stomach did a loud growl. Nice timing tummy!

"Oops, I'm not being a good boyfriend material now am I? I'm letting you starve. I'll let you go, but promise me one thing."

"What?" I asked

"Don't run away from me." He asked with all serious tone.

"I won't without saying goodbye." I committed. This I plan to keep.

"That will do for now." He haughtily responded, then let go of my hands and went out of the car.

To my utter disbelief he is then by the passenger seat opening my car door for me, and towards the lunch he planned for me all along.


I had a great time with Chris over lunch. He is back to his usual self. On point, and witty. We discussed about politics and office news. We are part of the management committee meeting later that afternoon so we can't be late.

He is so eager that we drive back to work together, but discussing the pros and cons of it he agreed that we drive on our own.

I don't know why but it seems like a lifetime ago since I left the university this morning. A lot about me has changed, but still it's nothing official. I remember Eric is coming tomorrow I know I have to tell him already.

Tell him what? That I fell out of love and is now in love with someone else or that I don't love him anymore? Ugh! I don't want to hurt him. I'm never good with break-ups. In fact I broke up with my first high school boyfriend via email because I just don't have the guts to break up with him in person.

As I was busy pondering on what to say and how to say it my phone beeped. A message from Eric.

"Sorry sweetie, my leave has been cancelled due to an unexpected system failure. I'm due for Dubai now. Call you when I get there."

Great, just great! All the more has he given me reason to let him go.

My ringtone then sounded. Wow, my phone has never been this busy before. Christian Wess on the caller ID.

"Saree, where are you?  I'll go ahead, okay? I'm presiding the meeting. See you at the boardroom."

As soon as I dropped the call, my car then started to make some funny noise. "oh, please, please please no... Not now!" Then all of a sudden it the engine died. Great! Just in time. I'm running late!

I called Chris, but he cancelled my call and diverted me to voicemail. Where do they go when you need them the most.

It took some good 15 minutes before I found what was wrong. Thank heavens I took some mechanic lessons in high school. It's a big help. Patting myself for a job well-done I then left trying my best to beat the meeting before i'm totally screwed.

I'm now driving faster than my usual pace when my phone rang. I answered via speakerphone.

"Yes? I'm still driving."

"Where are you? The meetings about to start and the Board are all here. I told you about getting here on time didn't I?" Wow, angry Chris.

"Be there in 3. Hold your horses Mr."  I coolly responded.

He is being totally inappropriate right now. I did a quick park and run towards the board room only to find everyone just piling in. Late? This doesn't look like it.

I sat on the far most seat from Chris. I don't want him to think I'm fine with him bossing me around.

First agenda was Student Affairs reports. Shoot! I left my report at my table, never got the chance to get them because a certain someone deliberately shouted at me that i'm the only one late to the meeting. Ugh!

"Ahmm, pardon Professor Wess, I just have to do a quick run for the report, I must have left an important page". I lied smoothly.

A professional way of handling this should be "Yes we can do that. Go ahead Ms. Thomas get your report." Yet instead of that civilized response he went with "How come you forgot about the report Ms. Thomas?

It was all together humiliating. How dare he?! Is this the guy I intend to exchange with the man who I loved for years? Forget it.

My Dean's words then filled the air. If you may Professor I'd like to discuss my items first. She then confidently moved in front and discussed as if nothing happened.

The rest of the meeting went well. I did my report expertly and the board of trustees and everyone's been thrilled with it. I might have lost my grip early on but I will never let it happen. Chris might as well know what he got himself into. What's his goal in the first place? Ugh! I just want to scratch his face out. Gosh, why am I too violent these days?

Chris is a bad influence. Every time we are together I forget all together how bad he is for me. But whenever I see picture too clearly from a far I should have known better. I should have known.

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