Waiting Game

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When I thought my night wouldn't be any more intense, Eric called minutes after Chris left.

"Hey! Still up?" Eric asked

"Yeah. I just got home." I responded absentmindedly while opening our apartment's gate.

"Good, just checking if you're home safe. By the way, it's settled I'll be coming home this weekend!"

"Wow! That's great news. Let me know if you need me to fetch you at the airport." I answered too dry if you'll ask me.

"Yeah, I'm excited to see you." He responded dryly too. Eric seems to be picking up my nonexistent enthusiasm.

"Good night Chris, I'm tired." I answered just wanting to get rid of the call.

"Chris?" Eric asked.

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean. It's just that Christ just dropped me home from the event and I was just talking to him when you called." I explained.

"I thought you went out with the girls? Well, never mind. See you this weekend! Good night."

"Good night Eric." Was all I can reply.

Did he bought it? Why do I feel guilty all of a sudden? Ugh! I'm hopeless.

I then dialed the best person to talk to at a time like this.


"Yeah?" Lara answered on first ring.

"I messed up big time."

"What happened Babe?"

"Chris happened." I answered back sliding slowly behind my bedroom door.

"What? How? When? Where? Are you with him now?" Lara sounding angry or apologetic I can't seem to decipher.

"NO, no, not like That happen!" I then interjected.

"Ohhh. So what actually happened?" Lara's now shouting over her lungs, some loud music just came into the background.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"I'm at Jason's place. You should go here now!"

"Jason who?"

"Jason Jolly, as in the Chef Jolly"

"Oh" I answered in realization.

"What are you doing there? And since when did you know about this party of his?"

"Well, he's spontaneous, we just decided to have one like 5 minutes ago. Hence, you should come!"

"I don't think so Babe, not in the mood to party. Enjoy yourself, let's talk ..." I was cut off by her loud hissing.

"Shhh.. Babe. When you said Chris happened, you mean Christian Wess, right? The professor you're flirting with?" Lara whispered.

"Why are you whispering? And NO I am not flirting with him."

"Whatever babe! Tell that to the Martians."

"Why ask about Chris."

"You're not with him now aren't you?"

"No, he left like 20 minutes or so ago. What's with all the interrogation?"

"Because, he's here. In flesh."

"Who's there, lord Voldemort?"

"What?! No, I mean Christian Wess is here. He just talked with Jason and is now talking to a girl. Wait! Oh that bitch!"

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