Pile of things to do

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It's a rainy Monday morning. Nevertheless it never stopped me from waking up too early to work. I need to clear my mind and be fair for everyone before I reach a decision. I can't keep on seeing Chris so that I can eliminate the fact that the attraction I have for him may be caused by our proximity. I know it would be a handful but I have to try.

Yet it's like the universe has transpired to make us bumped into each other as early as 6:30AM. It's a miracle for both of us to be on campus this early but yes we are. He was parking his motorcycle as I passed by.

I smiled. He smiled back. With his thick sun glasses I'm not sure what his eyes are saying as of the moment. But he acted as if I am only a stranger you happen to reply a smile on. Sunglasses on a rainy day. Yes, that's Chris.

Is he angry of the Sunday morning incident? If there's someone who should be angry of how the night ended it should be me. He left me unguarded in a houseful of men I barely know. I might be over acting but it's never right to leave. Right? I called him for Pete's sake! But then he decided to ignore it all together.

I went directly to my office without looking back. My goal of leaving it all behind with Chris might be as easy as this. I hope so.

It didn't help much that on my desk was a memo my student assistant could have received last Saturday. The rest of the offices accept transactions on Saturday morning these could explain it. It's a memo for the Cultural Night on Wednesday evening. I am not in charge of anything in the event but our presence as part of the community is highly appreciated. Well, if the girls wouldn't come along why should I? As I sifted through my cramped table I realized a handful of additional memorandums for several deadlines for the week. Well, I do hope clearing my mind is as easy and as possible as clearing my office table. But we all know otherwise.

Chris has not showed his angelic arrogant face entire Monday and Tuesday. It made me sad I have to admit. Yet, it's just how I needed things to be.

Come Wednesday at 10:30AM I heard a gentle knock by the door. No one bothers knocking by my door since it's always open. But as I popped by head up, I all together see it coming. With his dark sunglasses on, his tenderly looking lips that I know could melt me like a wax with its most gentle touch, his powerful perfume that saturates my head, a psychology I am. I discern I'm in deep trouble, hypnotized by this hey all appealing Hercules. No Achilles would be the better comparison.


Darn! As if nothing happened? No explanation. No not a thing. Nonetheless all I can respond is


And I stood, leaving my pile of things to do, which includes the top list that goes – Get over Chris.

During lunch, he asked me about coming to the Cultural night. Oh, yes! The Memo. It never comes across my mind that the Student Government is taking part in the night's activity.

Shit! So he went to my office, offered a good time just to invite me to tonight's work? So this is what it was all about, asking me out of necessity. Yes that is what I am to him.

Darn! I knew it! Saree! Why? It took you all these months just to realize he is just after all your help. Nothing more. But the kiss... I then unintentionally looked at his lips, all gentle and soft. I started to recall how passionate our shared kiss was.

"Earth to Saree!" Chris is now trying to get my attention. I went into some kind of trance again! Ugh! Me and my brains.

I tried to hide the predicament and enlightenment in my face. Whatever pandemonium my head and emotions is going through is not entirely his fault. I'm 80% at fault on whatever state of consciousness I got myself into.

Just one last time Bree. Just one last time.

"Sure, I'll come. It's tonight right?"

"Great! I'll pick you up at your apartment?"

"Sure. I'm excited."

"Me too! I mean, it's a first activity this year that the Student Government isn't sphere heading and it's a delight to be on the audience for a change."

And those lines made me trance back to consciousness that what I considered earlier might not be real after all. So what now? Darn!

Around 4:00 pm another gentle knock caught my attention.

"Lady Saree your carriage have arrived."

"Let them leave at once. I didn't ordered for an old carriage, I prefer the modern transportation." I teased back.

"By modern transportation you mean, motorcycle with a handsome driver is that so?"

I can't help but laugh on our banter. Ugh! I'll miss this. I'll miss us.

"If you say so Mr. Wess."

"Are you ready?"

"Ready? For what?"

"Home, I figured you need to be home fast in preparation for tonight's event."

"Oh, you're here to fetch me and bring me home?"

"Yes, Yes and yes. So let's go milady."

I am not in any mood to play hard to get with this guy whom I know I'll dump in few days' time. As soon as Eric arrives next week I know I can go back to normal. Madly, head over heels in love with him forgetting Chris at once – Just how it should be.

"Whatever Mr. Christian Wess"

"Great Ms. Sarah Bree Thomas, let's go."

Riding on his motorcycle is nothing but a common chore. It seems like I have been doing it all my life. But that evening as I slipped behind him, I can't help but look at him closely. I don't know why, but I just have the weird feeling of possessiveness. I felt people by the gate staring at us it has been for some time already, but every time people just always have reasons to stare. And it never makes me feel better in any way.

As soon as he dropped me off, I climb the stairs with all smiles. Remember the chills you get in high school when your crush suddenly smiles at you. Those same chills reached my bone down to my nervous system. Darn! Why should it be this hard? His appeal on me is engrossing; anytime I know the memories of how we have been days ago will haunt me. I'm all tempted to ask him what the kiss means, what the night with his exclusive friends is all about and why is he doing this to me? Or better yet, what is he doing?

I took a quick bath and went to delirium when I realized I don't have the slightest idea what to wear. Should I stick to a baby tee or a blouse? Darn! Why am I worrying anyway? It's not a date for crying out loud? Then why am I all tense?

I ended up wearing the green shirt I bought in memory of him. Put on the slightest hint of makeup and waited. At 6:00PM he texted:

"Just arrived."

As soon as I saw him by his motorcycle my heart skipped a bit. He is wearing the exact same shirt I'm wearing. A couple shirt? Ugh! Is this a sign? Oh no I have not asked for any.

He turned and smiled the way he always does. Though I can sense it's a little more teasing? No! Seducing? No! Shit my mind can't read expressions and it's not helping at all.


Hi Dearests, 

I'm unstoppable! But then I know I have to at some point. :)
How are we doing so far? Can anyone please comment and let me know how things are now?
I'll add the next chapters over the weekend. That is a promise.



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