Kiss Me

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Because I'm trying to be a good active author here's the real first action between Chris and Saree. Please tell me what you think at the end of the chapter.

I added the Song Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran. This is what I actually how I picture events to go between this two. What you think?




Despite the side comments and below the belt jokes about me and Chris the drinking was all together fun. We finished our last bottle at 2:00AM and call it a night. We are in no position to drive and it's impossible to find a cab near here. How are we supposed to go home now? My head is spinning, we must have drunk some hard stuff, and beer doesn't turn me ugly or gooey.

We started our walk. This can be long and fun, I muttered to myself.

"Why don't we just sleep on the car? I said incoherently.

"Rey has a cabin a little over the curve. See that?" Jess pointed while placing his hands around my shoulders.

"Oh, cabin, sounds fancy." I added to my incoherent mumbles.

Chris suddenly pressed me closer to him, separating me from Jess' grasp. This made Jess wobble a little.

"What's the matter man?" He angrily asked.

"Jess, you're drunk. You wouldn't want to mess with Saree." Chris protectively said while towering over Jess

"Ooooh, you... two? Look good together... my bad man... my bad..." Jess is now the incoherent one. He then ran towards the curve which is actually a downhill road.

"Sorry about Jess, Chris you know how he is when drunk." Rey then interjected.

"Will follow him now before he breaks our French door." Rey added while running downhill towards Jess.

So it's just me and Chris now. He doesn't look wasted at all. Actually, he looks... As is. A handsome man, holding me close to him while towering my wasted self.

"Do you think you can manage to walk a little bit further? Just a few steps more." He spoke gently.

"Yeah, no worries. I think I can." I said.

"I actually hope you'll say no and I'll have a perfect excuse to carry you." He jokingly replied.

"You may if you want to. But I don't think it's necessary."

"Nah! I want us to walk a little bit longer than we should. I just love being this close to you." Chris continues.

But I guess my body is giving up on me because... next thing I know I'm scooped on Chris' arms and is smelling his oh so manly scent. He is unbelievable. How can someone still smell this good after an entire day's shenanigans. His chest is sturdy, hard but comfortable. Since when did hard become comfortable?

As soon as we reached the cabin, he placed me gently on a large couch. Hey! I may be drunk but my senses works perfectly fine. I then felt a cold towel pressed on my forehead and heard Chris blurting out sorry for getting me too drunk. I heard the whistling kettle's sound and a smell of fresh coffee.

Darn! I know myself full well. Beer and coffee may make me feel wasted but my mind will be too alive to let me drowse off to sleep. Still coffee is something I wanted to drink right now.

I can't hear either Rey or Jess making any sound at all.

After a while Rey shouted:

"Bro, you can use the blue room, we'll leave you two to it! Enjoy."

Enjoy? How? Why? Oh no! My senses got even more alive. But it doesn't show on my limbs as I can't find the strength to move them. My eyes are shut like dead. I'm a screaming virgin! Darn! Why have I got myself into this? Then slowly I can't think of anything else. Sleep is that you? Drowsing... drowsing...

"I'm a virgin!"

I never realized it was too loud when Chris ran by my side holding the coffee (since its smell was strong as ever)

He was talking too soft but I can hear the laughter on his voice.

"I know, I know, and I don't have plans of changing that status, so don't shout they might think I'm raping you, I won't unless you want me to."

I'm not sure if it was the smell of the coffee or his voice that made my eyes unbolt. I then saw the best pair of eyes I've ever seen.

His face was too close that I can feel my sense loosing again. His dark perfume is consuming the air. How can he be that appealing? Compelling? Tempting? Then without thinking I said:

"Kiss me"

And he did. Passionately.

Chris' kiss was very fanatical yet gentle. He pulled me closer, sealing the gap between us. I can feel my body all tangled with his.

My mind is fighting over my emotions. This should stop. Like before I'm never good at letting my mind rule over my heart. At that instant I know I'm snapping all open the deepest desires I have for him. Longing I have been keeping for a long time.

After that long kiss he hugged me tight. Said something my mind can't even digest at the moment.

He then scooped me gently while I was hugging him like a kid; he carried me to the room Rey must have instructed. My alcohol filled mind was all wasted to think of anything. I know I should protest, I should tell him this is no good, this should not be happening. I should tell him I'm keeping myself till marriage. I should tell him I love him but this is not what I wanted. (Or I do?)

As he laid me by the bed, he then kissed my forehead and murmured something.

That's all my alcohol washed out mind can remember.

I woke up that morning in an unfamiliar room and bed. The room was colored dark blue with a huge poster of Kobe Bryant. Beside the bed was a study table with books and a black lamp shade. On the front wall is a blue wall clock; it's 7:00. I am under the covers trying to decipher what could have happened the night before. It was after sometime that I came to my senses. I looked under the thick comforter and saw myself all dressed up with the same blouse and jeans I'm wearing the night before. Thank God! Chris is indeed a gentleman after all.

It made my heart ache for him and at the same time made my heart leap for joy. He is the total package of a man a woman would ever want to get a hold on. Still on that moment I started asking myself what now? What does that long and passionate kiss meant?

As soon as I got the strength to stand I started looking for my bag. I found it lying by the bedside table and on it was a note written on a post it.

"Good morning Sunshine!

Yes that's you Bree. I really have to go. I'll be back soon to pick you up and get you home. If you woke up before I get back give me a text or call.


Go? He decided he needs to go and leave me alone in an ALL BOYS cabin, in the middle of the woods? And Bree since when did he started calling me Bree?

Instead of texting or calling him I left the cabin unnoticed. Good thing I had some luck with a ride and hitched with a family who spent the night at a nearby cabin. They were kind enough to drop me off at my doorstep. They insisted that it's on their way. The ride took forever and that's enough time for me to reach a decision.

Decision on whether I'll end it up with Eric and risk a relationship with Chris, or to finally end it with Chris and return on Eric's sure arms.

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