Hot and Slow

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"Hey!" A rather bemused voice said.

"Chris?" I reluctantly asked.

"Yes, I called to personally say thank you. I mentioned you during the closing ceremonies as one of the people who made the entire University week successful, it's just that you're not there to hear my loud thanks." He must be shouting over his lungs, a loud music is in the background.

"Oh! That? Don't mention it." (Oh dear, liar, liar!)

"No, I know I should." He shouted too loud now.

"Where are you?" I casually asked.

"It's after event party! Here in 12 Monkeys, you should come."

I hesitated and thought of my response very carefully.

"Maybe next time Chris, I'm tired."

"Next time then. Good night Saree."

"Good night Chris."

I turned off the phone, then hugged it. Shouted over my pillow and rolled.

Why do I feel like a stranger all over again?!

I grasp and realized what I just did! I turned down a perfectly good chance to hang out with Chris. Ugh! What am I thinking?

I then rolled out of bed, falling hard on the process then moved to  my closet. I should join the fun! Wearing my fitted jeans, spaghetti strapped blouse and a cardigan over i'm ready to rock some booty tonight!

I decided to surprise Chris, so I did not text him that i'm actually coming. I'm sure he's driving so I opted to take the cab.

Upon reaching 12 Monkeys, a lot of familiar faces comes into view. College students drinking by the alley, teachers hailing cabs. some are by the doorway dancing while walking in. It will be an epic night!

I bumped into my student assistant Charm who's flushing red. 

"Hi Ms. Saree. You're here." She's struggling while saying those words out. She's obviously drunk.

"Hi Charm, are you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah I am."

"Have you seen Chris? I mean Mr. Wess?" I inquired.

"I did, he's there on the dance floor dancing hot and slow with that hot lady of his." She gasped in horror on what she just blurted out.

"I didn't mean, what I mean was, ugh! I'm drunk as hell Ms. Saree." She said covering her face with her hands.

I then tapped the student I know sitting beside her. "Will you take care of her for me please?"

I just heard his murmur of okay on the background because apparently i'm now face to face with what Charm described as Hot and Slow. Chris is dancing with a lady in black skimpy dress, it's not just hot and slow i'll add dirty and gross on it too. They are obviously too engrossed on what they are doing, not noticing a great crowd of individuals hurdled around the. I then saw Chris whispered something to her which made the woman laugh. Ugh! I'm sure not drunk, but I want to vomit.

Shit! This is what you get Saree for believing.

I then ran back to where Charm is seated. But she's not there anymore. The student I approached must have helped her get a cab or something.

I then sat by the bar, ordered a Mojito with extra shot of anything hard and drank the  night away. 

The Song Marry your daughter circulated the all too peaceful ambiance. It's then I realized that's my ringtone! Who's calling at whatever early time it is! Without opening my eyes I grabbed my bag from the floor where I clearly heard the sound is coming from. 

I tried opening my eyes but it's too bright! Hence I pressed OK without looking. 

"Hi." I groggily said. 

"Good morning Sunshine!" a too loud, brain wracking enthusiastic greeting comes in from the other line. 

Who the ... 

"Who's this?" I asked.

"Chris. Christian Wess? You're favorite professor." Chris cheerfully responded. 

Great! Just great. The least person I want to hear a word from. Wait what time is it? And what happened? Why do I hate Chris again? Oh, right, I saw him last  night dancing hot, slow and dirty with that slutty girl in black. 

I'm now trying to recall what happened next. I got drunk, then went home via Uber. Great! 

"Is there a problem Mr. Wess?" I wanted to sound as professional as possible.

"Why the sudden formality Ms. Thomson?" He wittingly responded.

"Sorry I'm not in the mood to play banter with you today. Is there an emergency that you're shouting at ... (I looked at the wall clock and was shocked) 6:00 in the morning?! for pete's sake."

"Oh? Nothing, sorry if I woke you up, I thought you'll be up already since you slept way too early last night." He's now sounding more serious.

"That's none of your business. Now why called?" I angrily responded. My blood must be boiling hot now. 

"I actually called to ask you nicely about watching a movie this afternoon, then dinner afterwards. But I guess it's a bad time. Are you sick or something?" 

"Are you asking me for a date Mr. Wess?"

"Movie and dinner sounds like a date. So yes if you like to call it that, then yes it's a date." he sounds annoyed for someone asking for a date.

Wait. wait. A date? he is asking me out for a date? After dancing with some girl last night, he decided he wanted to take me out on a date? Oh come on! All the while I thought he's not that guy. There's no way on Earth i'll go on a date with him, not after last night. SHIT!

"I can't. I have somewhere to go to this afternoon." I coldly replied.

"Tomorrow then?" he sounds hopeful.

"I'm not free tomorrow either." I'm now sounding irritated.

"Oh, okay. you clearly don't feel right. See you Monday then." He responded 

I then hanged up without saying goodbye. 


Hi hey there Dearests,

What do you think of this chapter? Do you think Chris will ever make it up to Saree?



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