Caution, slippery floor

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They were sitting on the open garden where smoking and booze flows effortlessly. Neither Ma nor me smokes and plans on drinking something hard tonight so we opted with the air conditioned indoor space.

I deliberately sat with my back against them. Hoping against hope that Chris would see me or his lady friend recognize me.

I'm almost into tears as I imagine how this night might end. With Chris alcohol filled brain. 

But it seems like fates is not on my side. Because just after settling in and finally giving our orders an all too set of hands touch on my shoulder finding balance.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to hit you! It's just the floor is too slip..." He blurted out, but suddenly stopped when he saw who he bumped into.

I was lost for words. He was looking straight into my eyes. Like those dark gray eyes are meant for talking not seeing.



He's still clasping my arms. Too tight if you'll ask me.

It must have been some good few minutes because the next thing I know, a familiar voice spoke into the background.

"Sarah! You're here!" She then hugged me tight, releasing my arm from Chris' grasp.

"It's been a long time, what? Don't tell me... Yes 3 years. It's been three years since I last saw you... How... are... you... doing?! Speaking every word while staring back and forth between Chris and me.

"Wait! Do you know each other?" She then added.

Christ must have been out of his trance since he casually responded. Cold. Reserved. Yes he is using his professional tone.
"I know Saree I mean Sarah from work. You two know each other?"

"Are you kidding?! Sarah and I are classmates for years! She is practically like my sister." She casually explained while hitting Chris on the arm, resting her hand on his.

My mother then spoke, "so you're THE CHRIS?" with great emphasis on THE.

We all looked at Ma. "So rude of me, sorry. Ma, this is Mr. Christian Wess , Chris this is my mother Mrs. Eliza Thomas. And you remember Chiara Marie from school."

Chris then moved near ma, took her hand then kissed it. "Pleasure to meet you Mrs. Thomas..."

Did I just saw my mother blushed?! "Oh a gentleman. Pleasure is all mine Mr. Wess."

"Please call me Chris."

"Sure, Chris"

"Ahmmm, Chris the waiter is by our table, food is ready. Shall we?" Chiara interrupted while tugging Chris' arms.

"Sure. Have a good evening Mrs. Thomas, Sarah." He curtly nodded my way and left. With that bitch clinging to his arms like a leech.

Oh why do I hate her so much?! Aside from the fact that she's having dinner with my Chris. Wait, MY? He isn't yours to keep Saree. He isn't.

AndSarah? He called me Sarah. He knows how I hate being called that name. I mean,I just don't want the sound of it. 

I tried to act normal for the rest of the days that followed.

Chris is the Student Government Adviser which means he is very busy during the entire University Week Celebration and I'm all willing to offer my services the entire week.

I never confronted him of the Pizza Parlor incident (do I have to?). He never saw me flushed, stunned and confused as ever. But I think he did had a great time. I guess they even went to continue on their date somewhere else since they left the restaurant a little more than 1 hour after that slipping incident. Where they went next is beyond me, and I simply don't care! (Ugh! who am I kidding?!)

Conversely on the entire major event I assisted him all the way. I did the budgeting; I kept track of the materials, I made sure all the details are in pristine condition, etc, etc...

I turn out to be his secretary, assistant and accountant rolled into one. But it never bothered me, I love helping out as long as I'm able. Swear even if it's not Chris I'll still be all willing.

However it did bothered me during the debate championship. The last night for crying out loud! The night where we can both get drunk celebrating over all the accomplishments, the night where I wish he'd kiss me and tell me "thank you" for all the help I did. (Not that I'm asking anything) but you know the kind of feeling where nostalgia could kick in and he might do things according to how you dream it to be.

But that last night turned out differently...


Hi loves, 

Yikes! I commit to update this at least once a week and to write longer chapters. So what do you think of Chiara? Do you like her guts? Well, I picture her all bitchy and loud. Can you? 
Please do because you'll see more of her. If next to Chris, that I cannot be sure. 

Please if someone out there is reading this, let me know. :) 



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