How it All Began

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I arrived home lightheaded. Instead of oozing back to bed I opted to take a long hot bath. The hot bath relaxed my aching muscles and my giddy head, it all together brought back memories of how I and Chris first met.

It was for a University 5 day campaign trip out of town. I have seen him on campus prior to that trip but we were never introduced personally nor have bumped into each other.

So on that cold 3:00AM we traveled along with our Dean and a Philosophy Professor on a van. The dean went to ride on the front seat, the Philosophy teacher right behind the driver while I and Chris sat on the third row. The van was too big for us and was enough to make us all drowse back to sleep.

We stopped by a 24 hour McDonalds along the way to buy take outs; that was around 5:00AM in the morning. For the sake of fun we took turns in taking pictures with the McDonalds statue by the door. The last photo was I and Chris with the statue and him wearing dark glasses, unsmiling.

By 7:00AM we reached our first destination a school by the hill top. We ate our take outs then started the campaign. He was still wearing his shades the entire time even while talking to the students. But as soon as the students requested that he take it off he was all high and mighty and acted as if it was a fan's day for a famous celebrity. I hated his guts.

On our way to the next school Chris then started the conversation about the upcoming presidential election. The Philosophy professor is betting on the man running for office while Chris stood for the lady forerunner. I listen during their heated argument till he noticed my presence and asked me who I am voting for. I hated his guts but I surely will vote for Melissa.

From that day own we realized we have more things in common than we ever thought. We then started sticking together and talking the entire 5 day trip. I found a friend in him and him in me.

My decision was all together to try it with Chris only if Eric won't call or text me over the weekend. I have not heard from him since forever and till Monday morning is all the chances he have.

It was only after my long and relaxing bath have I realized that I have not informed Chris that I'm finally home. He should have a sound explanation after all. I owe him that much for not taking advantage of me when I'm all too vulnerable.

My phone incurred 23 missed calls and 7 texts, 22 of which came from Chris while the lone different caller was from an unknown number. When I scanned through the messages Chris left me 6 messages that almost made me burst in tears:

"I just arrived at Rey's cabin and you're not here. I bought pancakes from Jolly's. Where are you?" – 8:10am

"Saree? You have not called or texted. Where are you?" – 8:13am

"I assumed you're home already. Never mind, how did you find a ride?" – 8:30am

"Can you please care to tell me if you got home safely? I'm by your apartment but it seems like the doorbell isn't working" – 9:00am

"I'll go now." – 10am

"This is bullshit! I'M TRYING and yet you just make things so damn hard! Why don't you just be like everyone else? – 10:01am

It's already 11:00am.

Then I read the remaining messaged from an unknown number.

"Sweetie, sorry! I was sent in a mountainous town with no cell reception let alone phone lines, it's just horrible. Tell you the entire story later! By the way I'll be sure make it up to you soon. I'll be home in a few days' time. – Eric.

These messages made my world spin in circles and back again. My decision is now null and void. It's complicated as ever. Hence, instead of responding on either of their messages I turned my cell phone off and forced myself to sleep. Sleep is all my crazy mind could think as of the moment.

It was one of the best sleeps I ever had in years. I woke up a little after 3:00PM all rejuvenated to face the trouble I got myself into. My mother left for a 2 month vacation the refrigerator is all but cereals, biscuits and milk. Instead of fixing myself food for I'm starving I opted to go to my go-to café to think – Café Antonio.

I ordered a tuna sandwich and a hot milk-tea with a dash of cinnamon– a good source of happy hormone for me to think clearly and objectively on things.

After drinking my second cup of tea I decided to stroll. A few blocks away you can see the University campus where I graduated. It has this prominent amphitheater facing the church. On both sides are long array of acacia trees, on the end point you can see the shoreline. It's my favorite place in the world to think. The green surroundings cause my mind to find peace.

With me, on that wide ground were crowd of college students playing Frisbee. A father and daughter eating ice cream cones by the bleachers. A group of identical looking girls in miniskirts which I assume are members of a certain sorority. A couple lying by the grass holding hands. A lone very young looking girl reading a thick biology book.

I know I can't run from the reality for a long time. I can't keep my decision too long for everyone to keep guessing. And I know despite my desires not to make any decisions at all, to just let it be, I can't let things slip away just because I am not brave enough to stand for what I know is right. It may not be the best for everyone but I'll be deciding for what is right. That would be enough.

I opened my phone and the dialed the name of the right person to call.

It took a while for the receiver to accept the call. But as soon as heard his voice, everything just seems to fall into place.

Hi Dearests, 

I'm learning how to write in suspense. Do I? Yikes! Looking forward to whom she'll call? I'll post the next chapter right away! Please can someone out there show some love? Like? comment? 



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