Seeing him for the first time

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That Saturday morning Chris texted me as early as 10:00AM, it's practically early for a Saturday morning where I know Chris' normal sleeping time is 6:00AM; drunk. I am not expecting for any text especially that I practically left him hanging the entire week.

"Saree, are you free this afternoon? There's this activity for Habitat for Humanity. I wonder if you can drop by."

I am a volunteer for Habitat for Humanity, I remember how 3 months ago we both went to one of the Habitat Village to help in building houses. It's still vivid how it happened to be the first few times that caused our closeness to bloom. We practically squeezed ourselves together on the only available van that is full packed. It was the first time I took a closer look at him. Not just physically. That day I saw his heart and extraordinary passion in helping people. He is something more than what meets the eye.

Which reminded me of how I started liking him as a friend. Which I ruined by my own foolishness. I can still change that. We might not be meant to be lovers we can be meant to be as friends.

"Sure! I'll go" I texted back. Or it's still the tequila thinking?

After a few minutes he called.

"I'll pick you up after lunch?" He formally announced.

"Sure! I'll be at home."

"See you then. Bye"

"See you, bye." Then I ended the call.

I started my new personal mantra:

"Meant to be friends




You can do this Sarah Bree Thomas

You can do this."

I'm not fooling anybody. That would be enough. If I pass this afternoon in one piece I can live it through the rest of the days. If I change the glasses I'm wearing in looking at him we might actually become good friends.

As usual, Chris was right on time. Instead of his usual motorcycle he is driving a car.

"Nice ride!" I commented.

"Nothing but the best milady." He teasingly responded.

I then climbed on the front seat, put on my seatbelt and took a deep breathe. While silently reciting my Mantra.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He asked while glancing at me

"Eyes on the road!"

"How can I if I'm sitting beside you?"

Is he flirting with me? How can I make it through my mantra if he is making it hard for me?!

"Yeah, and I better not be here when you crash your brand new Audi."

"It's a gift from dad." He casually added

"It's definitely not my fault if you crash it."

"Oh we are never crashing, I think we've fallen." He is now looking straight to my eyes. We must have stopped since he is not moving an inch. And I'm not definitely moving as well.

Honks are then everywhere.

"Sorry! Sorry!" We shouted in unison.

We then drove in peace till we reached the convention.

The Habitat for Humanity convention turned to be a blast! We stayed till night fall and enjoyed every activity done. The speakers were fantastic and so much more.

Chris was gentleman as ever. When we reached the venue people are just piling up. He went to look for our seats, wrote my name on the registration table and even paid for the fee. He carried our kits, brought me our snacks and was all too bouncy asking me if I need anything. It's awfully wonderful.

As soon as we reached his car he casually asked.

"Do you have plans tonight?"

"As far as I know, I don't. Why?" I must have kept my mouth shut! I know where this is going.

"Good! Because I made reservations at Treetop."

"Treetop? The Mexican Seafood Open spaced drinking spree party hub? Since when do they accept reservations?" I actually thought for a minute he'll ask me somewhere more private. Ugh! You're friends Saree. Remember?

The parking lot was crowded with people, he opened the passenger seat and helped me in. but half-way through closing the door he stopped and shook hands with some guys piling near the pick-up truck parked beside ours.

"Chris! It's been a while. How are you?" I heard in the background.

"Fine, fine. Just got out from the Habitat convention."

"Habitat for Humanity you mean? I never guessed you to be so socially responsible." The man joked.

"I'm not, just here to impress a girl." He then laughed his heart out. Everyone is now laughing with him.

"She must be special. Why keep her in? Won't you introduce us?"

"Next time, we better go now! See you at the pool!" Was his last retort.

He then climbed at the driver's seat and looked at me.

"Sorry about that, some college friends. Shall we?" He asked while squeezing my arm.

"Sure." I dryly replied. TO IMPRESS A GIRL? Should I be impressed? My head is in literal turmoil right now. I cannot understand this guy. Guys aren't supposed to be easy to read? But Chris is complex. If he is serious about me, (not that I know for a fact that there can be an us) why not introduce me to those guys? I just can comprehend him.

At the start of the day I thought I knew him. He is a man of good heart, he volunteers out of his beliefs, teaches with passion and so much more. But now, he is just like any other guy.



I Just can't wait for a week more and finished this chapter so I decided to post it now!  Fresh from the oven! So what do you think? Shall I continue with the Chris - Saree Love affair? Or Shall we move on and put Eric in the picture? Just please don't just either of them already. 

Please shoot me a message, comment and click that star button. It makes me realize i'm not writing for nothing. Please! (teacup pig eyes.)



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