Dark Grey Eyes

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Hi dearests,

Apologies for the extremely late update. I had a bad case of writer's block. I literally do not know what to write. :( Some encouragements please!

Anyway, I commit to update every Monday till the story ends. I'm also doing some research for the next chapters since a great plot twist is coming. 

Can someone like, share and comment please? It will mean a great deal.



Things are totally out of proportion. I am a day away from breaking the heart of the man I loved for years. Who has been a good friend to me years before that, now I don't even know if there will ever be a friendship to be salvaged from my childish move of falling in love with the wrong guy?

Yes, wrong! Chris is totally a douche bag who makes his prey fall deep and hard. Why am I so naïve to fall on that trap?! Flowers? Pancakes? For crying out loud!

I must have been lost in my thoughts again, for it seems like Lara's been banging my car window for some time already. I can see this with just one glace at her not so serene face.

"What's the matter with you babe? Lost again!"

I can now understand her predicament, it's hot outside. The hot air all of a sudden flushes through my now open car window.

"Sorry. Just in deep thoughts again. Will share everything over lunch." I mentioned as I was going out of the car.

"Ahmmm, babe about that." Lara mentioned while I was reaching for my bag by the car seat.

"What?" I asked impulsively then turned towards her way. Only to see Chris far behind her.

"What is he doing here? Is there something you want to tell me about?" I annoyingly asked. Lara never betrayed me not once have she kept a secret from me, and now all of a sudden things are shifting.

"Please hear me and him out first." Lara begs, while holding my arm. I intend to go back inside the car and shut them out completely.

"What? What is there to listen to? What could be your sound explanation for this?" I'm angry now. I can feel all the blood raising to my face.

"Sorry, but after last night's events I can't just sit and do nothing. So I confronted them, and there I found out the truth."

"You have no right to do that Lara! You may be my best friend but the last time I checked I am capable of fighting my own battles. You don't have to do any of those for me."

Lara was stunned, she never imagined I'd say those words out loud. I was shocked too. She backed-out for a moment before replying back.

"Sorry if you feel like I'm meddling with your life beyond what I ought to do, I'm just looking out for you, that's what best friends do anyway. But if it's too much, then go ahead do whatever makes you happy. I won't argue with you because clearly you are not in you right mind right now. But let me say my piece one last time. If you won't listen to Chris now, it's something you'll regret for the rest of your life."

Then she left. Ran towards her car which is parked across the lot and never looked back.

Why would I regret not talking to Chris? I then saw Chris sheepishly walking towards me. This is unusual. He is usually proud, tall, egocentric, hard-headed son of a sheep. How come he is now looking unsure and scared? What's happening with the world? ­

"Saree, sorry if you're now in feud with Lara because of me". He tentatively asked.

"Who do you think you are for thinking you actually caused our fight?" I banter back.

He then took off his dark sunglasses, slowly folded it and placed it on his side pocket.

"Why are you so angry?" he coldly asked.

"Let's be done with it Chris, how will you explain yourself now?" I angrily asked.

"You tell me Saree, what is it that I have done for you to think I'm not taking you seriously." He calmly responded.

"I... There were incidents in which you... clearly you have lied to me." I banter back with full force.

"Lied? I have never lied to you Saree. Everything I told you we're truth." He seems annoyed now.

I opted not to respond back. Instead I went inside my car and just desire to run away. This is total stupid. Chris then all of a sudden went to open the passenger seat door. He went to look straight ahead. I haven't moved an inch and by the looks of it I don't want to either.

He then cleared his throat and started to speak.

"Sorry if I made you feel unsure, if it seems like I'm just fooling around. I did fooled around so many times that I can't ...."

I cut him short "Chris, you don't have to say anything anymore ..."

"Please let me finish." He interjected.

"Shit! I'm a debater and public speaker for crying out loud, but then I can't find the right words when I'm with you. Everything is new to me, the sensation, the fear, the bliss. The way you smile makes my heart skip a beat, your eyes..." he then stared straight at my eyes. His dark grey eyes which before seems cold and distant now seems, warm and teary. Teary? Chris is teary eyed? Wow!

"Those eyes of yours makes me melt. I just want to look at them and be lost in you. I love you Saree and I don't know whether you'll believe me or not but that's the truth."

I broke our stare and pressed my forehead on the steering wheel.

"If you love me Chris, then explain the girl in black skimpy dress you were dancing with at 12 Monkeys for the University Week Celebration, explain why you left with the same girl last night 20 minutes after telling me how you feel about me. Explain why your words aren't consistent with your actions. There's always a girl in the picture Chris and as much as I want to believe you I just can't."

I then looked his way. I expect him to be apologetic, but instead he smiled.

"What's funny about what I told you?" I demanded

"You're jealous and it's cute." He is laughing now.

"No I'm not jealous! Besides I do not have the right to."

"Well just so you know I'm giving you the right." He responded while attempting to hold my hand. Which I deliberately shooed away. He then held both of my hands with his might and locked me with a bear hug.

"Stop it okay? I'll explain now."

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