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Horace's POV

I really thought that he loved me. I guess i was wrong. I should have saw it coming. No one could ever love me. Im just Horace not important at all. I dont deserve him

I heard someone outside the door. "Horace let me in please"

"No i need some time."

"Horace let me in!!!!"

i hated to do this but i know i have to. " Enoch we need to take a break."

"No Horace! please no!" he started to cry "No Horace no   no    no       no...."

That was 2 weeks ago. I miss him but i need some time to think. It has been hard but this is for the best. im doing it because i love him. Right?

Then i felt t again. I ran to the bathroom. Once again throwing up last night dinner. I hate this so much. Why does this always happen. There has been a bug going around school.Ya thats it. But this is weird its lasted 2 weeks which usually isn't the case. 

This is probably me missing Enoch. I should just take a day. Im just going to stay home today. You know what ill ask Fiona to stay to. Once she came back its been lovely and Hugh has been so happy. Milliard said Hugh was just about to take his life when she showed up.Perfect timing. Also back to the point She has always been good with emotional and medical stuff.

I walk up to the room she shares with Emma. i knock on the door.

"What do you want horace." Emma opened the door. Great she hates mornings. With a burning passion.(ha ha puns)

" Is Fiona in their." i started to look around the room.

"No shes in the garden. Now bug off." That made a lot of sense Fiona liked the mornings and was up at the crack of dawn to work on the plants outside before school.

As i walk outside i realize something. In order for her to help i have to tell her im gay. Well at least im talking to Fiona. She was the most accepting of Enoch when he came out and would not tell anyone. Its a start.

"Hey horace. Whats up?" she stands up and wipes the dirt of her pants

" I need to talk to you about something."

"Well we have school in 5 minutes so maybe afterward." Shes about to walk inside when i say

"Fiona im gay." she turns around

"i had a feeling. But if you need anything just tell me."

" i need you to stay home with me today."

"is it really that important."

"yes" Please say yes please say yes

"OK then." YES i sort of feel like if she didn't something bad would happen. I haven't had any dreams in a while so im not sure what it is.

We stay outside until the kids have left for school and the adults to work. We sit on the rocking swing, Lets see if she can help me. Hopefully she can.

" So whats wrong horace?"

"so you now know the whole gay thing but i dated Enoch for 3 months but 2 weeks ago we got in this huge fight and we have been taking a break. Also on a unrelated noted i have been sick for the past 2 weeks."

"Poor horace....did you get sick when you and Enoch started taking your break."


"well im going to look at my book how about you go inside and relax. Then i could do some tests on you."

"Thank you so much Fiona. This means a lot to me."

"Your welcome"

 I go into my room and think of all the things that could be wrong but there is to many to count. You see use peculiars have our own doctors because we are totally different medical wise than none peculiars.

I heard a knock on the door very gentle. Must be her. "come in Fiona."

She came in with a least 10 things in her hands. It looked like she was about to drop everything. "Do you need any help Fiona."

" No ill be good. we will not need half this stuff but i brought it in just in case."

She did some basic stuff she took my weight. She has recorders on all of us. Did measurements of almost everything. Almost. And took a urine sample. I've done this before with her but it still is weird. Then came the questions.

"Have you been eating out of the normal."

"no we have been eating the exact same things Fiona."

" i thought i would ask! Nausea?"

"In the morning then i usually loose my dinner from the previous night."

"Okay I have one more question but it is really weird and probably invalid but ill ask anyway. Where you and Enoch active."

" you mean active. not running active right?'

"yes? Dont worry Emma and Jacob do 'it' all the time."

" that was a little TMI. But yes we were. Are you and Hugh."

" So you know Horace we have decided to wait until we get married." this was a very Fiona type thing to do. "you can wait here. Ill take a while." The book Fiona had was huge and it might take her days to actually tell me what is wrong. I decided to take a nap while i waited. 

I was suddenly woken up by the slamming of the door. Enoch is home. 

"Here is the work you missed. im going to the basement." he said this and then left. He has been getting more and more distant i hate it. I managed to go back to sleep for like 5 minutes when i hear frantic knocking at the door.

"Come in!" Fiona then ran into my room and locked the door. She looked really panicked and startled.

"Horace have your dreams stopped in the past to weeks."

"yeah why is that important?"

" Aw shit .....shit shit" I have never in my life heard Fiona swear. This is probably really bad. What could possibly be wrong with me for this to happen

"Fiona is every thing alright?"

"No not at all!" Now she was starting to really freak out which was making me freak out. Usually she is so collected.

"so in the past their has been one gay couple that have been both peculiar. You see the both peculiar part is crucial this allows.....then this thing can happen. Losing your peculiarity is one of 3 stages. It comes back after stage one though. "

"Stage one of what? AM I DYING!!!!!!!"

"No, you see both of you being peculiar something can develop in the less dominate man. " 

 "I agree with the less dominate part but what is it. developing " now i started to get really worried the word develop isn't used a whole lot by her.

"This is really hard to tell you. I cant do it!!!!!!!"

"yes you can Fiona i need to know what is wrong TELL ME!!!!!!!!!"

I dont know what made me yell at her so i said"sorry for yelling but you are getting me really worried."

"Horace this is really weird and it has only happened to that other couple i mentioned.This is hard to say. Can i write it down?"

"yes you can." at this point i just wanted to know and didn't care how i was told.

she took a red colored pencil and a blank sheet of paper from the desk. She wrote something down her hand shaking. She began to cry. "Fiona its OK."

"no its not!" when she said this she handed me the sheet of paper.

On it were 4 simple words. it said scribbled in red colored pencil

Horace you are pregnant. Then the world went black.


Part 3 glitched it is in a random order im sorry!

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