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Horaces POV

I woke up this morning to Claire jumping on the bed.

"Wake up Horace and Enoch! It's Christmas!!!!"

Once she started to yell she woke up the kids and they began to cry.Enoch began to stir and didn't seem happy.

"Hey Claire how about you wake up other people now." I offered politely. 

"Ok!" She said while running out the room into Jake and milliards room. I got up to try to calm down the babies. I picked up Sammy and easily got him to stop. After about 5 minutes of trying to get Lizzie to calm down I gave her to Enoch and she stopped immediately.

"How did you do that?" I asked him

"I don't know. I guess she likes daddy."  He said this whole smirking at me.

"Shut it." I say then picked up Henry who stopped crying. I attempted to get him dressed but he kept kicking my hands away so I got Sammy dressed and Enoch did the same with Lizzie. We kept Henry in his pajamas and went down stairs trying not to get yelled at by Claire.

Once we got down everyone was already down there and olive and Claire looked like they were about to explode with excitement.  Once they saw us they looked at miss peregrine. 

"Finally they got down here!" Milliard complained.

"Henry didn't want to eat dressed." I said in return and sat down with Henry and Sammy in my arms. Enoch sat next to me with Lizzie.

"I'm going to get bottles." Enoch announced. "Hold Lizzie Fiona." He sort of demanded that. Fiona gladely took Lizzie and Enoch got up and went to the kitchen.

"Miss peregrine can I open my three presents now!!" Claire asked.

"Me too!" Olive replied.

"Ok but save those two for last." She pointed to 2 boxes that were identical. Claire ripped open one of her presents which was a ken doll.

"Now I have a ken for my Barbie!" She exclaimed.

She ran out to grab her Barbie while olive opened one. She got a pair of roller skates.

"I can use these now!" She said her voice full of excitement. 

"Can I hold one of them?" Jake asked me. While olive was admiring her new skates. I nodded my head and jake took Sammy from me. Then Claire ran back in with her Barbie wearing a outfit I made it.

"Now I can have a wedding!" She yelled. 

"You want to open another one Claire?" Miss Pete asked her.

"Ya!" She replied back and took a box from the floor. She barely had it open when she screamed with excitement "A new tea set!!!!" She yelled while taking of the rest of the paper. Her face was full of excitement. 

"Are  we having a tea party later?" Bronwyn asked her.

"Yes!!!" She replied.

Olive reached for another present. This one was smaller than the last. She opened it and smiled. "I got a new crown." She said. Her last one was lost on our adventure and she hadn't gotten a new one. She took it out and put it on her head and smiled. 

"Someone else can have a turn before they open there last ones." Miss peregrine said. "How about Milliard."

"Ok then." He took his pile of two presents and some candy. He took a thing of m and ms of the top and opened his first one. He got a dictionary and a microscope that he has been wanting. "Now I can study some new stuff." He said and started to read the out side of the box.

"Emma you can go now." Emma grabbed her pile and took a box of sour patch kids of her pile. She got a new dress which she said she would put on later and a matching Phoenix necklace. 

"Hey emma I got one for you too." He gave emma a small box

She opened to to find a pair of red earrings." I love them Jake. I love you." 

"Love you too." He said the kissed her check.

"And I got you this Jake. I didn't wrap it though." She handed him a pair of sunglasses.

"They are very nice emma." He said while putting them on. Then he put a smirk on his face and crossed his arms. It was really funny.

"Jake you can open the rest of yours." Enoch came back in when Jake handed Sammy to Emma. Enoch gave me a bottle for Henry he one to Bronwyn for sammya nd one to Fiona for Lizzie.

Jake took some sockets of the top of his pile. He opened the smaller one on the top. It was one of those disposable cameras. He opened the one on the bottom. This one was  actual camera. 

"I knew you liked pictures." She said to him while he stared at it.

"This is awesome!" He almost yelled.

"We will continue in a circle." Meaning next if was Hugh's turn. He picked up a pile with bees all over the paper. He took some mile and Ike's of his pile and opened his first present. He got a new pair of googles which he liked to wear for some reason. He also got almost all the seasons of his favorite show supernatural on dvd. "Now I can have a Sam and Dean marathon!!!!!" He yelled with excitement. "How did you know Miss Peregrine!!"

"I have my ways." She replied. Fiona handed Enoch Lizzie and grabbed her pile. She took a box of skittles of her pile and opened her first present. She got a a box filled with packets of seeds and a hair brush and hair ties. Hers are always breaking because she has a lot of messy crazy and knotty hair.

"Maybe this will be the brush that works." She said. And took Sammy from Bronwyn so she could open her presents. 

She got a bag of jolly ranchers. She also got some weights. She also got some iTunes gift cards. Because Bronwyn loves her music. " New music. Best day ever."

She took out her phone to enter the codes. "You want to open yours Enoch. I'll take Lizzie." Miss peregrine said. Then Enoch gave miss peregrine lizzie and picked up another pile. It had a bag of those hard carmels on the top that he loves so much. He took them off and put them beside him

He opened his first present it was a book on hauntings of castles in Europe. He's into that kind of stuff. He also got a big block of clay.

" I also got the triplets more formula and a stuff animal for each of them. They are all dogs but are different colors." They where in the corner of the room and where there colors which was cute. 

"Now Horace can do his." She said. I handed Henry to Enoch and grabbed the last pile. On the top was a bin of hard candies which I love. I took of the first present and set the other one next to me. In the first one there was a box with a tie in it. It was a dark blue and was very nice looking. I picked up the other one which was bigger than the other. Inside was a new top hat. My other one was destroyed in our adventure.

"Thank you miss peregrine."

"Your welcome Horace. You girls want to open your last ones."

Then nodded "you have to open them at the same time. " they both grabbed there's and put them on the their laps."you can open them. 

In about 5 seconds the room filled with squeles. They both had a box and was trying to open it. When they both got there's open I saw what it was. They both got America girl dolls that looked like them. It was really cute. They took out there dolls and hugged them. It was awesome me to see them both that happy. The rest of the day we basically played with stuff we got and had fun with each other. It was a nice and calm day and the triplets seemed happy threw out it. It was a great first Christmas for them and a great one for us as well. 

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