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Horaces POV 

           Today is a day that I will remember forever. I turn over in my side in bed to wake up Enoch. Which is always a fight no matter how many times I've done it at this exact time.

           "Hey Enoch, remember what today is?" I say while shaking him slightly. He then rolled over and pushed my hand away.

           " The day you let me sleep in?" He asked. Ever since we had the triplets Enoch had stopped being a morning person. He works all day and gets home late then tries to help me. So he is always tired and cranky. And I know everyone hates it. And I love him but I don't like it very much either.

" No silly," I then gave him a small playful shove. " Try again!"

I think he then found out he wasn't going to get back to sleep so he groggily sat up in bed. " Are you Mallory and I'm Matt?"

He was talking about a Studio C sketch. The ones we watch all the time. " Then what are we celebrating Enoch?"

Nothing was said for awhile. Enoch was staring off into space trying to remember and I was really disappointed in him. " If I tell you now you will be mad at yourself." I said to him trying to give him a small clue.

"Celebirthsary?" He said with a small chuckle. He really did forget.

I then glared at him " It's the anniversary of my tremendous pain and the triplets birth. Or there BIRTHDAY you idiot!" I then gave him a slap on the arm.

He then shot out of bed and ran to the calendar in our room. He looked at it not believing what he was seeing I guess. Then he walked back over to the bed and sat down next to me.

" I can't believe I forgot! I mean am I really that clueless!" Enoch yelled. Clearly very frustrated.

I wrapped my arms around and put my head in his shoulder. "You remembered now. That's all that matters I guess." I explained to him. He then looked at me.

"Are you sure though?" He asked.

"Of course babe." I said and grinned at him.

He smiled back. "Thank you for everything Horace." He then gave me a small kiss.

" Enoch your the one who pays for everything. I just clean." I said as snuggled up close to him.

" Thank you for giving me our kids." He said as he pulled me onto his lap. In the year we have had the triplets Enoch's belly had gone away. He is now pretty slim and more of the one with the gut. It never went back to normal after having the triplets really. It's like we switched bodies. It's kind of weird.

"I'm going to get the triplets ready for the day." I said then kissed him.

" I'll help." He then replied. We went to the triplets room and got them dressed.

We carried them down the stairs. They still can't walk but I don't want them to grow up anymore. I actually miss the getting up in the middle of the night. And having a small baby. I have missed it since Henry said his first word.

But they will grow up. And I'm not ready for that.

When we got downstairs the house was alive with people rushing to get ready for the triplets party later. The others decided that they would work on the party and me and Enoch should spend time with the triplets. It was really nice.

I was holding Henry and put him in his high chair in the kitchen so I can make there breakfast.

Enoch put Sammy and Lizzie down and was keeping the triples entertained while I made oatmeal. I have recently started to add oatmeal to there bananas and the triplets love it. I made that quickly and threw 2 hot pockets in the microwave for me and Enoch.

I finished the oatmeal and started to feed the babies. Enoch are his hot pocket and feed mine to me. It was really nice. Usually I don't eat breakfast. And me and Enoch are together. Which is amazing.

After all of us finished our breakfast Fiona came in to watch the triplets so me and Enoch could get dressed for the day.

We did accomplish the task of getting dressed but did.....something else as well. And it was something we haven't done in over a year.

For a few hours we watched studio c and the triplets took a nap. It was very peaceful. Then it was time for the party.

We basically talked with people for a long time. We asked that no one bring presents because people but us stuff all year round. But people gave us cards which was sweet.

Later we sang happy birthday and gave each triplet a individual cake. They made a huge mess and it was adorable. Enoch recorded the whole thing. I cried because they are growing up and I hate it.

The rest of the night people took turns holding the triplets and Hugh and Fiona took them for the night. Because they said we needed a break.

As me and Enoch laid in bed I kept on thinking about them growing up and no longer having tiny babies around.

" Hey Enoch ." I said while staring at the ceiling.

He then turned to face me "Ya Soms."

I then looked at him and said "Remember when we didn't think it was possible to have a family?"

He sat up listening, he nodded.

"It's awesome we have one but...." I paused not knowing how to continue.

" what is it baby?" He asked

" I want to make ours bigger."

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