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Horaces POV

I quickly picked up my phone after reading the name of the screen. 

"Hello." I said trying to sound calm even thought I was completely panicked. What if something awful happened to any of them.

"I put the triplets down for a nap because they were all tired and while i was with olive and claire I hear screaming and Lizzie was in her crib......." no this can't be possible. No nothing is wrong everything is fine. Nothing could ever happen to my little girl. Not my Lizzie. Nothing is wrong nothing is............

Enoch's POV

Horace had been listening on the phone for about 15 seconds when he blacked out. I quickly took the phone before it fell."Miss Peregrine this is Enoch. Horace just fainted. Can you tell me what is wrong?"

"Ok. I put the triplets down for a nap and I heard screaming while i was playing with olive and claire and I found Lizzie in her crib and her arm seemed to have broken. I think she put her arm in between the bars and broke it. I'm taking her to the hospital. Please hurry there. Henry and Sammy are at home with Bronwyn and Milliard."

This can't be happening. I quickly asked our waiter for the bill and paid it and ran out of the restaurant with Horace in my arms. I put him in the passengers seat and began driving to the hospital. My little girl is hurt because of the crib I made. I caused all of this.  I drove for about 5 minutes trying to get there as fast as i could.

"E-enoch where are we?" Horace asked as he woke up.

"Lizzie is hurt because of the crib I made and we are going to the hospital! I'm sorry I did this Horace!" I yelled while driving . I wasn't even fully sure of what I was saying. I just needed to get to Lizzie. I continued driving with adrenaline rushing through my veins. Once we got there i dropped Horace off at the door and began to look for a place to park. 

I cant believe this is happening. Lizzie is just a baby. This wasn't supposed to happen to her. I should have made the cribs better. I really don't deserve to have this after what i have caused. When i get home i should cut again. 

Wait. I promised Horace i wouldn't do it again. I need to stay here. Do this for Horace Enoch. Do it for Horace.

Horaces POV

I practically ran into the hospital. I saw claire and olive sitting in the waiting room with their american girl dolls. I ran up to them and before i could even speak olive told me "Down that hall room number 104 Horace." Miss peregrine probably told her to tell me that. I tried to seem like nothing was wrong as i walked down the hallway but i was so nervous as to what has happened to lizzie.

 When i got to the room number i stood outside for awhile. I didn't want anything bad to have happened. It felt like my stomach was in my feet. Weighing me down so i couldn't walk through the door. 

After about 3 minutes of my panicking I opened to door. I saw miss peregrine with Lizzie in her arms. Then I looked down at Lizzie and saw a cast on her arm. My heart broke in that exact moment. If I didn't agree to go out today this wouldn't have happened. 

Miss peregrine saw me walk in and walked over to me and gave me Lizzie. She had a pink cast in her arm. She was asleep. I held her in my arms and thought about the pin she must be feeling and started to cry.

"The doctor said she broke her upper arm. They don't know how long they need to keep the cast on." She said calmly. She could have this on forever. Why did this have to happen.

"Horace." It was Enoch. He was standing in the door. 

"I'm going to leave and keep a eye on Claire and Olive." Miss peregrine said. And with that she left.

I was still crying when Enoch came and sat next to me. He looked shocked when he saw the cast on her arm. He took her from me and I put my head in my hands and cried. 

Enoch spoke up."I'm sorry Horace. I'm so sorry." He said this with the words barely leaving his mouth.

"Why are you apologizing Enoch?" 

Then Enoch began to cry. He barely ever cries. "If I didn't take you out tonight or if I made the cribs better this wouldn't have happened to her." 

"Enoch this isn't your fault. You were trying to be a good fiancé and dad. This is just a terrible thing that happened. Everything will be ok." I grabbed onto his arm."Ok?"

Enoch seemed to have stopped crying now. "OK. How about we go home and spend the rest of today with our family."

"That sounds amazing." I said. 

We got a list of institutions from a bourse and we went home and got Sammy and Henry from Bronwyn and Milliard.

"I'm sorry we let this happen. If Milliard just agreed that katniss shouldn't be with peeta or gale we would have heard her crying." She said the Milliard part threateningly. Of course Milliard and Bronwyn never stop fighting.

Then we went upstairs and just held our kids and didn't let go until we needed to go to sleep. Nothing bad would ever happen to them again not if I have anything to say about it. They will always be safe if I can do anything to make it happen. Then I looked over at Enoch. He has put down Sammy and Lizzie and was asleep with his arms showing. I saw the scars on his arms. 

"I promise you will always be safe." I whispered to him. Then I fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++I know this isn't the best chapter ever but I really wanted to get one out. Hopefully it doesn't suck that much.

Also if you like this book please comment a question for my ask enorace book. You can even ask them about anything from this book! 

Bye fellow peculiars!!!

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