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3 weeks later-Thursday September 22

Horaces POV

21 weeks is what i am technically. The last peculiar man lasted 42. And ive been going by the book so far. Half way there. And i'm not one to swear but. Pregnancy is hell.

I'm already looking like i'm 9 months pregnant. My feet hurt terribly. Also i cant even see the,. And i have to depend on everyone for everything! If i drop something someone else has to get it. I can barely do anything without my stomach getting in the way. Speaking of my stomach it covered in stretch marks and itches constantly! I also need to have Enoch put my shoes on for me because i cant do it!

My face is breaking out constantly! I am so ugly and useless! Its the worst. I'm sitting up on my bed crying about my usefulness and appearance. Enoch was on the bed next to me watching TV

"Why are you crying now Horace?"

"What do you mean now!"

"Today you cried because you had to get up, that the ending to that episode of Santa Clarita Diet that i made you watch and because we ran out of tea."

I didn't realize i cried that much."I'm sorry Enoch."

"Don't be Horace. Your pregnant hormones are going crazy. Just tell me what it is now."

"I'm ugly and useless that's what!"

"Horace everyone needs help sometimes. And i don't think your ugly."

"But i need help all the time! And you work with dead things all day! My life is over!!"

"Everything will be fine horace!" 

"It will not! My back and feet hurt all the time i cant lay on my back and i'm always eating all the time which is not fun for me. Everything wont be OK!!"

He doesn't get it. He isn't carrying 3 children around everywhere he goes. Its like he doesn't even try to understand.

Enochs POV.

Horace is now crying because he thinks hes ugly useless and always uncomfortable. I tried to make him fell better but whatever i do is wrong. He didn't want to get up so i told him he could sleep in but was hungry so he said he had to, when we watched my show and he cried i tried to calm him down by putting on funny videos he used to like then said they were stupid and told me to try harder. Finally when there was no more tea i drove to the store and got at 15 different types of tea but none of them were right.

I want him to be happy and comfortable but it is so fucking hard to do.

"What can i do that will make you feel better."

" Can you rub my back. One of the kids was kicking my lower back earlier and it hurts."

One of the kids is always kicking somewhere. I started to rub his back but Horace said it was the wrong spot. Once i finally found the spot he wanted after 30 seconds.

"I have to pee." Then he got up and left for the bathroom. I can never make him happy anymore. Its always something different. After Ricky did what he did to Horace. I told myself that to make up for letting that happen i would make sure he was happy. And its driving my crazy!

Hugh started to walk by our room.


he turned around "Hi Enoch whats up."

"Can you stay with Horace for awhile. I need to work on something."

"Sure Enoch. You remembered Horace's birthday next Friday right."

"That's why i have to go in the basement."


I left to go to the basement. I bought mattresses and sheets for the cribs. I just had to finish them so no splinters would happen. I did them one at a time so when i finished the last one the first one would have dried. I put the things that need to go in each crib in it. The first had the mattress, white stripped sheets and a dog stuffed animal, the second had a mattress green sheets and a dinosaur, and the last had orange sheets and a bear. Also for Horace's birthday i'm going to pick up roses (His favorite) dark chocolate (Also his favorite) and i have a ring that i was able to afford because i started waiting tables. I also bought a few more things for the babies. 

Horace was held back a year because of his parents so miss peregrine enrolled him as a sophomore instead of a junior last year.

This birthday is going to be the best one hes ever had. Even though at that point he will be 23 weeks pregnant. Everyone has the day off school. Some staff development day. And we were going to make it the best day ever for Horace. Because out of everyone in the world he deserves it the most.

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