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Horace POV

There was a knock at the door. What time was it? It doesnt really matter. Then someone started to cry. I walked over to see henry crying. It hurt to walk but enoch was still asleep. \

"Whos there?"


Good. "Come in Fiona."

She walked in to me trying to calm down henry and Enoch looking like he was just knocked out. Then Lizzie started to cry too. "Do you need some help Horace?"

"Yes please." I started to walk about the room faster and faster with henry which seemed to calm him down. But it hurt to do.

"Horace you look like your in pain."

"Of course i am. It hurts to walk slowly but he wants to be moving around the room fast and i cant do it!"

Lizzie was already calm in fionas arms. "Ill take this one if you hold this one." she said. I gladly gave her Henry and took Lizzie who probably just wanted to be held.

She got Henry to calm down and lizzie fell asleep in my arms. I put lizzie back in her crib. And fiona put Henry in his.

Then i turned my attention to Enoch. I shook him "Enoch everyone is back." No response. So i punched him in the arm."Enoch get up." He got up to see fiona in the room.

"When did she get here?"

"Maybe 3 minutes ago."

"Okay then."

Fiona stood in the corner awkwardly. "Oh sorry Fiona. Do you want to properly meet the kids. " 

She smiled."That would be nice."

"The one in the crib with the green sheets is the oldest and his name is Henry Victor. Enoch named him. The orange sheets is the middle who me and Enoch named Samuel Joseph. And the last one is our little girl Elizabeth Victoria who I named."

"They are so cute! Congratulations! Do you want anyone else to come in?"

"They can all come in if they want." I went back into the bed to lie down. I'm just wanted to go to sleep. Fiona went to get everyone else and I laid back down on bed and Enoch got up. When everyone came in I smiled at them.

"Ok so green crib is the oldest his name is Henry victor."

"Like my brother?" Bronwyn asked

"And like my bee!"

"Yes like your brother not like your bee. The orange sheets is next his name is Samuel Joesph. And lastly is our only girl Elizabeth Victoria."

Everyone said how cute they were and then they decided to pass them around. Lizzie liked being held. By everyone. 

But Samuel was different. He liked to be held be certain people. Once he got into jakes arms he seemed happy but when Jake tried to pass him onto Milliard he cried. Sammy only liked to be held by me Enoch Jake Bronwyn, and Fiona. 

I was happy seeing everyone hold my kids and smile it was so adorable. I was looking at Claire talk to Lizzie until I heard a ear piercing shriek. 

Henry was screaming his lungs out in Hugh's arms "I don't know what I'm doing wrong! Take him Fiona!!!"

Fiona took Henry"Calm down Hugh." She rocked Henry and got him to stop. "See not that hard." It was funny seeing Hugh panic.

"I'll take him." I wanted to see one of them.

Fiona handed me Henry and I sat there and bounced him in my arms. Sammmy was now done with being held and went back to bed.  Claire was still talking to Lizzie even though Claire could barely keep her eyes open.

Enoch took Lizzie from Claire " She will be here in the morning . Go to bed." He told her. 

"You sure?" She asked

"Yes" I said "all three of them aren't leaving anytime soon. "

Then after about 5 more minutes everyone left and it was just me and Enoch. I got up and put Henry back in his crib. And Enoch put Lizzie in hers. I just stood there and looked at him all asleep. Then Enoch picked me up bridal style from behind me.

"What are you doing." I said laughing "put me down!"

Then he sat down on the bed with me still in his arms. "Thank you." He said. What why did he say thank you?


"Thank you for giving us this family. I know it wasn't fun but you did amazing."

"I love you Enoch." Then I gave him a kiss.

He looked into my eyes and smiled. He seeemed  exhausted. "Horace you need to sleep. I love you but you need to sleep now. Okay?"

"Ok Enoch." I gave him another kiss. "Are we going to be good dads?"

"We will do our best. And we can be a  if happy family. I love you." Then he put my under the covers of our bed.

"I love you too Enoch." I said then fell asleep. Knowing that we were going to be a big happy forever. 

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