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June 27th

Horaces POV

The triplets are now a little over 6 months old! its crazy. Now we are trying to teach them fun things! 

Also today is Hughs birthday! He decided he want to stay home today with his girlfriend and god children. It was really sweet (bee related pun) for him to want to spend his birthday with my kids. We decided to stay in the living room so we moved the coffee table out of the way

We then took some blankets from the closet and put them on the ground. I then went up stairs to get the triplets dressed while Hugh, Fiona and Enoch talked. 

When i got to mine and Enochs room i opened the drawer with the babies closets in it. I'm just going to put them in onesies today. I don't feel like struggling to get on anything else. I picked up Lizzies onesie and then her. I put her on the changing table and gave her a fresh diaper like i do every morning.  I then put her in a pink onesie and brought her to the bed with me.

While i changed the triplets i tried to get one on one time with each of them because that is the only opportunity i get. 

I stood her up on my legs and held her by her sides. "Hey Lizzie can you say dada." She looked at me while i said it. "Dada. Say dada Lizzie." She then stuck her tongue out at me. "Thanks Lizzie." I said to her and put her back to her crib.

 I then picked up Sammy and grabbed a orange onesie for him. Quickly got him a new diaper and got on his clothes. He didn't fight me while i put on his clothes. Sammy is not a demanding child. 

I then brought him to the bed and picked him up the same way as i did Lizzie. "Sammy how about you. Can you say dada. Come on Sammy. Dada."  Sammy was trying not to look at me. "We will try again tomorrow Sammy. Don't think i forgot about this."  Im arguing with someone that cant talk. 

I then grabbed a green onesie and Henry. He was always a struggle to get dressed in the morning. I easily got his diaper changed. He just hated clothes. Its like hes Millards son. 

"Okay Henry. Are we going to do this today. He refused to put on the onesie. "You know what. Ill put you in something new." I bought something for one of the boys yesterday. Why not try.

I grabbed a bad that had a tiny dress shirt and dress pants. They are finally able to fit in them. This will probably take forever. I don't really care anymore. I get to show off my fashionable son. 

"OK Henry. Lets try to do this." As soon as i tried to get on the shirt Henry was trying to pull it on himself. I easily got him dressed for the first time ever.

"Well i guess you like to dress like your dada." I have really been pounding that word in. Trying to get them to say it. 

I stood him up on the changing table. "Henry, dada. You can do it dada." He then shook his head like he was saying no.

That was another fail of getting them to talk.  I have developed the skill of grabbing 3 kids at a time. It took awhile to master but i got it down. Lizzie and Sammy can be held with one arm and Henry needed his own. He loved to move around. 

I grabbed them all like normal and headed down stairs to the living room. Enoch looked so happy when he saw my with the triplets. 

"Let me help Horace! You could have called me to help." He said while taking Sammy and Lizzie from me. 

" Its fine. I like having some time with them in the morning." i said while still holding Henry. Enoch put Sammy and Lizzie down on the floor to play with some toys. They have all learned to roll over so they could get around. 

"Look at Henrys outfit!" I basically squealed with excitement "He never likes to get dressed in the morning and i tried to put him in this and he practically pulled it on himself!" To say i was excited about this is a understatement. 

"He is defiantly your son Horace." Fiona said while giggling 

"Its his happy birthday Hugh outfit!"

Hugh smiled when i said this "Can i take him?" he then asked me. 

"Of course birthday boy." I said back. I handed Henry to Hugh.

Henry seemed to have a mood change once he got into Hughs arms

Hugh opened his mouth and a single bee flew out instead of a storm like normal.

He then went off on a rant"Look Henry this is Henry. He is a bee and you were named after him. Isn't he amazing.  Bees make the world go round and Henry has been here through everything. So you were named after this bee. Aren't bees great! DO you love bees Henry. What about this Henry."


Wait. Was that. 

"Horace and Enoch." Hugh said with a surprised look on his face. That was Henry

"OH MY GOD!!!!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I took Henry from Hugh. "You did it Henry!" 

Enoch came over to me. "Hes talking!" Enoch said with a huge grin plastered on his face.

I heard people running down the stairs. "Is something wrong Horace?" Bronwyn asked from the stairs with Emma and Jake with her.

"Everything's fantastic! Henry just spoke!" i yelled

"Really!" Jake then said

"What did he say?" Emma then asked.

I looked back at Enoch. His face gleaming with pride. "He said stop to me." Hugh then said. 

"That's amazing!" Bronwyn said. Then she went back upstairs to take care of Olive and Claire. Emma and Jake followed. 

"Happy birthday to me. Henry talked because of me! That's so awesome!" Hugh said. 

"It really is. Thank you for annoying my son Hugh." That was something i never thought i would say. But i was true. "You're amazing."

"i know." Hugh then said back

We spent the rest of the day downstairs making Henry say stop. And playing with Lizzie and Sammy. It was really sweet and a great moment. Henry wasn't so little anymore. He was growing up. I was sad and excited at the same time. But i cant imagine not having little babies around. But i get to learn about them now. And i can do it with Enoch. We will be so happy. 

This cant be possible- a enorace fanficМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя