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Month 1

Horaces POV

December 15

I wake up to sounds of crying. I looked at the clock 4:30am.

I walk over to the cribs to see that Lizzie and Sammy are crying. I pock up Lizzie and change her diaper and then did the same with Sammy. They countinued crying. I ran down stairs and got 2 bottles of formula. After running back up the stairs Enoch was back up. Usally he slept threw there crying and I got up. He didn't seem happy. Well I wasn't either.

I picked up Lizzie and gave her one bottle and put the other one on the nightstand. And I tried to feed her quickly so I could get to Sammy but she wasn't having it. 

"Enoch can you feed Lizzie please." 

"Ok ok. Anything to stop their crying." He took Lizzie in his arms and I got up and picked Sammy up and gave him the second bottle. When Lizzie finished Enoch put her back in we crib and went back to be. Henry finished awhile afterward. I put him back in his crib but instead of going to bed I just watched all 3 of them sleep. They looked so peaceful.

"Horace get to bed." Enoch groaned.

"Just a minute." Henry had one of his hands on his dinosaur and it was adorable. After watching them for another 2 minutes I got back into bed. I tried to go back to sleep but couldn't. So I just watched them sleep. 

So far Lizzie gets up the most in the night and Sammy gets up every so often. And some how Henry sleeps straight threw the night. It was nice to have only two children screaming in the night instead of 3

December 22

Horaces POV

Me and Enoch where sitting on the couch. Everyone else got out of school tomorrow. I was holding LIZZIE and Henry and Enoch was holding Sammy. All three of them were drinking a bottle and we had studio c playing in the background while we talked. 

"Horace you know we can't afford to get everyone gifts this year. We can do it next year ok."

"But I fell guilty for it. Everyone has been so nice to us and we can't give them a gift in return for there kindness." I hated not being able give gifts. Christmas is one of my favorite holidays and I always loved to give people gifts but this year I couldn't. At least my kids get to see Christmas.

My thoughts where stopped by Henry crying. This is now a normal thing for us one starts crying Enoch takes the other. And like a clocked routine it happened again. Enoch took Lizzie and I took Henry upstairs to change his diaper. Even after them only being here for two weeks it felt like we have been doing this forever. And even though I barely sleep (which I usally don't) I'm the happiest I've ever been. 

After I finished changing Henry I went back down stairs and talked to Enoch some more. Then miss peregrine got home and she asked me what Claire wanted for Christmas and I told her what she claire and emma wanted then she said she needed to go shopping. Then we just relaxed some more and got up every now and again to make the triplets stop crying but it was a routine and I loved it. Even if parenting isn't the easiest thing already I'm glad I get to do it with Enoch. 

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++I know this chapter was short but I wanted Christmas to be the next one and I couldn't think of anything to write besides this. If you have any ideas PM me and I will try to make them happen 

Bye fellow peculiars!!!!

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