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1 week later

Horaces POV

38 weeks. I am so done with this. Tomorrow is a Saturday so I'm just going to sleep in. I won't get a lot of sleep soon so I need to rest now.

Tomorrow morning 


"Hey Miss Peregrine how about we go to the store today and all of us could get stuff for Horace and Enoch." Emma said.

" Like a baby shower?" Claire asked

"Ya can we Miss Peregrine."

"I don't see why  not. Horace is still sleeping and Enoch can stay behind."

Miss peregrine, Emma, Milliard, Olive,Claire, Bronwyn, Hugh, Fiona and even Jake went to the mall to get stuff for Enoch and Horace. Claire and olive borrowed money from miss peregrine and Jake borrowed some from emma not wanting to use his own. They alll kept what they bought a secret from each other. Besides Claire and olive who told each other. They finished shopping around 12 and decided to eat lunch in the food court. They got Claire's to go though. Bronwyn texted Enoch to see what was happening at the house. He said Horace got up around 11:45 and were now watching tv. 

When they got home almost everyone ran into there room to wrap there presents. Almost everyone was excited to surprise Horace. Jake wasn't as excited as everyone else. Milliard offered in the car to put everyone's name in a hat to decide the order which everyone agreed with. Milliard wrote everyone's names on pieces of paper and put them in a hat.

Everyone brought there gifts in the living room. Emma was sent upstairs to go get Horace and Enoch.

Horaces POV

Me and Enoch have been in our room all day. Well I have been asleep for half of it so far but that was besides the point. Usually someone would have come to talk to us by now. We have watched at least 24 sketchs by now. Which is enjoyable but odd.

Then I heard a knock at the door."Hey guys!"

It was Emma."Can you come down stairs please."

I had to get up. Great. "Ok." Enoch said."But you have to help me get Horace up."

"Can't you do it yourself Enoch."

"He can't actually. You see once I'm laying down getting up is near impossible." At this point only one of my shirts fit me and I've been wearing my sweatpants and it has been terrible.

"Fine then. I'll help."

Enoch grabbed one of my hands and Emma grabbed the other. Which allowed me to sit up then stand up. Emma practically ran back down the stairs and Enoch helped me walk down them.

Everyone seemed to be in the living room. Once we got down the stairs Claire ran up to me and said" We got you presents!" She yelled

"You what?" I asked. After Enoch got me to the couch. 

"Emma had a idea to get you presents for the babies! So we did!"

I was shocked. This is one of the nicest things they have ever done for me." Really?! Thank you guys so much."

"Is he going to open presents or not Milliard." Olive exclaimed.

"Calm down Olive. All of our names are in this hat and you guys can pick them out one by one."

"That's a great idea! You want to pick first Enoch."

"Whatever Horace." He reached into the hat and pulled out a name."Milliard."

Milliard went to a table and took of a bag. "Here you go."

"Thank you Milliard." I took tissue paper out of the bag. Inside was three blankets. One green one orange and one pink. I pulled them out to show Enoch and everyone else." Thank you Milliard they're lovely."

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