Chapter 26

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Now I know how my uncle feels when there's a case he can't solve. There are a lot of things that have happened in the past two days. Isaac's lying in the hospital unresponsive and not healing. But the worst thing is finding out that your younger cousin has been possessed by an evil spirit and has been missing for the past two days. Yes that's right Stiles has been possessed by the Nogitsune which is basically an evil Kitsune. Stiles has been missing for the past two days and no one can find him. My Uncle's been stressed out of his mind. Derek is giving me some space which I'm grateful for. I decide to go and visit Isaac on my own and try and see if I can figure out where Stiles is. I get changed and get into my car and drive off towards the hospital. I go in and run to the front desk. 

"Hi I'd like to see Isaac Lahey" 

The woman looks up from her desk, 

"I'm sorry but only family can see him. So if you're not family then you can't see him" 

Anger bubbles in me. 

"Look, Isaac doesn't have any family. So please let me see him." I start crying "He could die and I won't get to see him. All because of your stupid family rules!" 

She looks at me with sympathy. 

"Okay I'll let you in but you must promise to not tell anyone I let you in" 

I nod, 

"I'll make it a deal if you leave me alone with him" 

She nods, 


I follow her to a big room and see Allison. 

"Have you been here all night?" 

"Yeah, Scott came earlier we got to see him but only for 5 minutes. I don't think I'm gonna go to school today" 

I nod and look at the woman. 

"Let her in with me and I'll keep the deal" 

She nods and hands me a card and leaves. I swipe the card on the card thingy (I know descriptive) and the doors open. Allison runs in and sits next to Isaac. I come in and shut the door. I sit on the other side of him. She puts her head onto the bed below Isaac's hand. 

"You know you can talk to him. They say that when you talk to people in comas that they can hear you and that sometimes it just takes certain words or a certain person to bring them out" 

She looks to me, 

"How do you know all this? I mean seriously forget being an Alpha you should be an emissary." 

I smile at her, 

"I studied medicine at college and helped out at a hospital practice so I was taught a lot." 

She smiles I take Isaac's hand and he's in pain a lot of it. 

"Is he in pain?" 

I nod and take his hand in both of mine. Seeing the veins travel up both my arms this time instead of one. I groan as the pain is getting worse for me but better for Isaac, so I don't let go. I see Isaac's breathing regulate and heartbeat go back to normal. 

"He should be healing at least a little." 

I look to Allison, 

"It depends on how bad the wound is" 

She looks at me again surprised. 

"I also did a lot of research on Lycanthropy. After all, I am related to Stiles Stilinski." 

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