Tag #41

56 8 36

Continuing from The Book of Lost Tags: Vol. 1 where we left off on Tag #40...

Also breaking my hiatus for a few days before band camp starts and because right now I have nothing to do.

Tagged by: Niniak

Favorite song?

I See Fire, Diamonds, Priceless, Storybook Love, Mama Don't Forget to Pray for Me, You Are More, Carry On My Wayward Son, Song of Durin, Pirate's Life for me, Hoist the Colors, and many more, but it would take far too long to list them all.

Favorite sport?

Marching band, which be starting full swing in less than 46 hours...

Favorite band?

Journey, Tenth Avenue North, For King and Country

Favorite series?

T.V : Sherlock, Merlin

Book: Lord of the Rings, Ranger's Aprrenrice, Brotherband Chronicles, Narnia, The Sword and the Staff,

Movie: Marvel, Star Trek, Dragonheart

Favorite movie?

The Princess Bride (if anyone dares call it a chick flick I will scewer you)

Favorite color?


Favorite food?


Favorite drink?

Rootbeer or Rhubarb Punch

Favorite videogame?

Don't really have one, because I don't play a lot.


I've answered this before along the lines of it not being important.


Also not important

Shoe size?

Depends on the brand. Sometimes I wear a 9 and others an 8. For dress shoes I have to go all the way down to a 6 or 7 because my feet are so narrow.

Middle name?

Not telling you. Fairies could be near.

Eye color?

Also irrelevant, but I may have mentioned it...

Last time you cried?

Can't remember, wasn't recent though.

Biggest fear?

Again, I've explained this quite recently and have no desire to say it again.

Last song you listened to?

Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin

Last person you texted?

A friend because they scheduled our end of summer party on my birthday, which also happens to be the day we perform our marching show for our parents. Otherwise I was texting another friemd and we were both freaking out about the new trailer for Thor Ragnarok and the Infinity War trailer.

Favorite app?

Wattpad. What else?


All of you if you so choose

The Book of Lost Tags: Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now