Tag #64

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Silmarilz1701 did this one and used very different characters, which looked fun and I happen to have two very different characters. Essentially, you answer as many questions about as many of your characters as you can and tally how many you can answer. LET'S GO!

Now presenting: 

Obsideon Black, Pariah-Extraordinaire and Lord of 'I Do Whatever I Want When I Want To',


Aevar Anari Kli-Ana, King of Kliana and Servant to Dia's People.

1. What does your character want most?

Aevar: What he wants most at the beginning of WD and toward the end are very different things, but we won't go into the latter details because spoilers. What Aevar wants most at first is Avelyn as he knew her five years prior. That's naivety on his part because she's obviously changed, as has he. 

Obsideon: Hmm, what does he want? He wants someone to accept him, he wants a friend, hard as he makes that for other people. He has a lot of people he wold like to consider friends, but something about him is slightly off-putting and he has bad luck with friends. Also a home, maybe a small farm cottage with a hearth, a hay mattress, a bed for Bandit, a table to eat at, maybe a couple extra chairs, and a garden of herbs and other plants. 

2. What do they fear the most?

Aevar: Well, if this doesn't tie in the the first question... *shrugs* He fears not ruling Kliana as well as his father did as well as loosing Avelyn.

Obsideon: Well, his worst fear is already come true, he's been ostracized from almost everywhere he's been, his second worst fear is becoming a slave to another. He's had a few close calls and nearly went insane. Despite wanting to belong, he wants to belong of his own free will, losing his free will is often what drives him. 

3. What is their worst habit?

Aevar: Like, physical, emotional, other? His worst physical habits are picking at his hands and rolling his shoulder when he lies. Bad emotional habits are not expressing strong emotions until it overwhelms him. He does express emotions, but they are usually more muted than what he actually feels.

Obsideon: Hiding his face, shrugging a lot. He tends to hang on to bad moods for too long. 

4. What bores your character?

Aevar: Oh, look, the first one I can't answer.

Obsideon: I don't know this one either. Darn.

5. Are they an optimist or pessimist, introvert or extrovert?

Aevar: Most definitely an optimist as well as introverted.

Obsideon: I've actually answered this for Obsideon before and I'll quote him again. "Optimistic?" he suggested. Obsideon looked at him with a straight face and solemnly said, "That's one way to get killed. Always thinking there's going to be something good in every situation. I prefer opportunistic." He's also an introvert.

6. What is their greatest weakness and greatest strength?

Aevar: I believe that weaknesses and strengths can be the same thing. Aevar's greatest strength is his love for the people of Kliana, but it is also his weakness. There are times he will sacrifice his health and risk his life for them, sometimes great, sometimes not so great. He also trusts too easily.

Obsideon: Obsideon's greatest strength is his loyalty to his friends, few and rare as they are. He will literally try to move mountains for them, and again, like Aevar, his strength is his weakness. 

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