Tag #54

36 5 23

Oh, great, the one thing I suck at. Romance.

Have you had a boyfriend before?

I have never had a boyfriend. Came close once, but he got creepy and I spurned him. He still doesn't talk me and I avoid him.

Are you more of a romantic type or more of a tomboy?

I was more of a tomboy when I was younger. I played with the guys, got bruises, got dirty, got in trouble for getting dirty on the playground at school, fought with them, just had some good fun. Do I hate what has happened since? Of course! There are days that I long to go back to fifth grade before they realized I was female and just played with me or treated me like one of them. I hate sixth grade for that and one other reason I will not disclose. I only talk to one guy I grew up with, he has never treated me any differently than when we were in grade school. Granted we're a bit more mature, well... he's not... he's still a child sometimes. But I wish I could have more of those relationships with guys.

Do you want to be in a relationship right now or are you satisfied with being single?

There are times when I do wish I was in a relationship, but then my friends, who all either have a boyfriend, or dated at one point, remind me that sometimes single is best. I'm quite happy being single. It's less expensive.

Do you have a crush, if so, what color is his hair?

It's blond in the summer and light brown in the winter.

In love with a fictional character?

It's not, so to speak, "love." Rather "a strong feeling of connection that I rarely find outside in the real world." Not to say I have never had that strong connection with others, it's just mire common in fiction because I know more fictional characters than I do people right now. It's sad. I know. There are also more male characters that I "love" than female characters. And I know exactly why.

People like to write strong female characters. You know, the ones who can beat any man in a sword fight or drinking game. They are tough, strong, and have absolutely no personality beyond that. People don't write real females characters it seems. Sure there are a few, but not nearly enough. Most of them I have found on Wattpad, in recently written books, so I'm thinking that, in a few years, there will be more real female characters graceing the shelves of books stores and libraries. Which makes me really happy.

Anyway, the characters that I like,

Errol Stone and Adora - The Staff and the Sword
Fred and Sandy Thorne  - Ceristern Series
Aragorn - The Lord of the Rings

And I can't think of any more right now...

Do you know if anyone likes you?

Platonically? Yes.

Romantically? Not a clue.

Is your crush on Wattpad?

Uh... I don't think so...

If you're single and want to do it, be my guest.

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