Tag #46

32 6 47

Tagged by: autumn_sunfire

I was supposed to create a list of the first ten songs that came up randomly on my playlist, but being as I don't have one...

On to the next part!

Where do you live?

In a galaxy far far away...

What helps me write?

Not having HOMEWORK!

How much do I weigh?

Somewhere between 110 and 120. Not sure because I'm currently in the middle of marching season so it's about 5-7lbs less than usual.

Any major body injuries?

Where do I begin?
Foot* glass
Knee* bunkbed
Wrist - fell off a horse
Shin* Rock!
Shin - playground equipment
Thigh - somebody fell on me
Foot* slipped in the pool and ripped half the skin off the side of my foot
Hands* running on icy sidewalk
Ankle - stepped wrong
Ankle - stepped over a fallen tree and landed wrong. Couldn't walk for a good half hour.
Foot* stepped on a rock and it got infected
Ankle - marching band, enough said.
Ankle - some kid twice my size landed on it
Toe* friend's steer stepped on my foot
Toenail* said steer also ripped one toenail completely off and almost took the second one off.

*have involved blood

Where do I go to school?

Imma break a trend here and say I go to a public school. I am not homeschooled unlike many of you here.

Do I play any instruments?

F horn, a mellophone that it literally falling apart, and a little trumpet.

Do I have a medical condition?

PCOS - Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

If you don't know what that is and want to know, look it up. I ain't explaining it. It's doesn't really affect me too bad. If you're curious pm me. I'll answer your questions if I can. Having it doesn't bother me at all. I'm cool with it. We get along.

Do I want to get married?

Eh, if I do I do. If I don't, I don't.

Dream job?

Spend the rest of my days writing books.

How about a few more?

I don't really have a choice... actually I could choose not to do them...

Do you hate/dislike anything popular?

Freaking fidgit-spinners. I loath them. Also not real fond of yoga pants... especially see through ones. Romance novels. I strongly dislike them.

Do you like anything popular?

Lord of the Rings, I have a nice phone... when it works. Stupid thing wouldn't turn on all day. My dad fixed it though. Pirates of the Caribbean, Marvel, Star Wars, Star Trek. I love movies and books more than I probably should.



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