Fair Day!

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So, there is one reason and one reason only why I'm bringing up the fact that I was recently at a fair. I will not ever forget what happened.

It's your typical fair/rodeo mix. I saw lots of friends and acquaintances. One in particular I was excited to see, but he has nothing to do with this.

I was with a friend before she went to show her 1 1/2 year old calf. He's a super mellow calf, and really sweet. He was laying down and my friend hadn't warned me she was gonna stand him up. I was also standing pretty close to him.

So, several hundred pound calf stands up and places his massive hoof on MY FOOT! Cue yelp of surprise and pain. Half an hour later it still kinda hurts and I'm having a hard time walking around. Bout 2 hours later I get back to the car and take my shoe and sock off.

Lo and behold blood everywhere.

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I'm now missing a toenail. Yippee. Lucky for me I had painted my toenails red a while back so it still kinda looks like I have a nail there. Spoiler: I don't.

Yes. It hurts.

Anybody know what to do?

I can also check off "getting stepped on by a cow" and "losing a toenail" on my injury related list.

I'm worse than my namesake.

So, yeah. The fair was fun.....?

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