Tag #44

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Tagged by: stringslady

List 5 to 7 facts about your book.

Hmmmm... which book... y'know what? Let's have some fun with Alfýkin: The Last of the Elves.

1.) The title Alfýkin is a rendition of Christopher Paolini's word älfakyn, which means 'elf kind'. Originally the series was to be called Illeandir when I started it in 8th grade, but as the story is not entirely his I changed it early freshman year.

2.) There are many little, subtle things about Illeandir that are extremely easy to miss if you don't pay attention, such as his size. Illeandir is a big elf, much larger than many, but due to his ease of movement it is easy to mistake him for being smaller than he is. He also wears two small rings on his left middle finger. They are of sentimental value to him and not worth much coin, but to him they are priceless, one belonged to his mentor Cúnor and the other to Zaharias. Only Zaharias' ring was mentioned though. His hair is also quite messy as he rarely takes the time to care for it. And though his numerous injuries may make him seem clumsy he is in fact not, just rather unfortunate in circumstances. And, despite Ithilwen's claims, he is/was a mercenary, often selling his service to others for a short time.

3.) Right from the beginning I knew there would be more than one book. I didn't know how, but I felt it. The second book I will say does not deal as much with Illeandir, but rather a beloved character of mine many of you know by name. It takes place during and after the events of The Last of the Elves, but in a different area and will explore the civil war tearing Rohan apart and may even dive into the deepening turmoil at Minas Tirith. 

4.) Thrilo. Ah, the lovable, gruff, down-on-his-luck, bear cub of a dwarf from Erebor. Small his part may be, but his part is key, though he came rather unexpectedly. I have little idea what will happen to him, but I will say his role is nearing its finality for now. You may remember him wanting to return to his home to reconcile with his brother and sister after thirteen years. He is my last key to connecting the second and first books. The rest have already been laid out. Now it is a matter of placing them in the correct door. Opening those doors comes later.

5.) I have restarted Alfýkin three times in the last four years. You are currently reading/seeing the third version, and the one that has gotten the farthest. None of the others made it to Illeandir meeting Ithilwen, who was actually called Willow then. A few months ago I seriously considered starting all over again, but then realized that if I did, I may never pick it up again and that would not be fair to everyone who has been so kind, supportive, and loyal to it. So I will continue to slowly struggle through the hardest part and say that I finally did it, both for you and for me.

6.) Alfýkin is my way of establishing a sense of how to write characters and their various developments throughout their story. Illeandir, like myself, has become marginally more open to others and is beginning to trust again. Ithilwen has broken many of his barriers that hurt him more than protected him. As always his love of children remains the strongest of any person I know. Ithilwen has become more worldwise and is beginning to understand that she cannot control the outcome. Thrilo learned that he cannot run from his past problems and slowly understands that he needs to face them. Illeandir also is learning the same by watching the dwarf.

7.) Ask me something you would like to know more about. If I can't answer that, ask another until you have something I can answer.

List as many books/series/movies/authors/or whatever that have influenced your writing.

Well, an obvious one is anything by Tolkien that I have read, The Inheritance Cycle, The Staff and the Sword, Ranger's Apprentice, Sherlock (the amount of depth that show goes into is spectacular and has helped deepen the plot of Alfýkin), Marvel (mostly for the character interaction and storyline is so cool, and the villains!), Dragonheart (even though the acting isn't the best the story line is amazing and the ending has a unique twist that I really appreciate), and finally all the people who claim that writing is boring, reading isn't fun, and that I can't make a living off writing; screw you.

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