Tag #47

41 7 88

Tagged By: autumn_sunfire

This is gonna be fun.

Characters used will be Freya Wilde, Obsideon Black, Amennakti, and for fun we’ll stick Illeandir in there as well.

Welcome, Freya, Obsideon, Amennakti, and our special guest; Illeandir. You four have been selected for a fun interview in which you shall answer a series of questions posed by an unnamed personnel. Try not to kill each other.

Ammennakti: I make no promises.

Freya Wilde: I don’t like this. Who’s asking the questions? I don’t give out personal information to strangers. Don’t you dare say anything, Obsideon.

Obsideon Black: Wasn’t going to.

Your first question; What is your favorite band?

Illeandir: The one I wear on my head.

Not that kind of band! Music band. What’s your favorite music band? Y’know, like… uh… (forgive me) One Direction, The Beatles, Journey, The Eagles.

Illeandir: I did not know the Eagles performed music, nor that a journey did. Can people really hear beetles playing music?

Amen: What is he talking about?

Oh, for the love… just pick one of the examples I gave you!

Illeandir: One Direction sounds nice…

You have shamed me… Obsideon, what is your favorite band?

Obsideon: *looking at the sky* Hmm?

Band. What is your favorite band?

Freya: I like Journey!

Obsideon: Journey sounds cool.

Amen: Metallica.

What? Okay… strange. Moving on. What is your favorite song?

Illeandir: Song of Durin.

Obsideon: You’re an Elf though!

Illeandir: So?

Freya: Don’t Stop Believing by Journey.

Obsideon: Castle of Glass by Linkin Park.

Amen: Concerto No. 3 in E flat major K. 447.

You surprise me, Amen. What is your favorite sport?

Obsideon: Archery.

Illeandir: Archery.

Obsideon: Eyyyyyy! Bow buddy!

Freya: Archery.

Illeandir: I like her.

Obsideon: I know. She’s great.

Freya: *turns beet red*

Okay, okay. Stop gushing over her. I’m looking at you, Obsideon.

Obsideon: *whistling innocently*

Amen: Table Tennis.

Freya, Obsideon, Illeandir: FIGHT ME!

Amen: I will! Bring it on, qualil eleri!

Everyone calm down! We are having a civil interview here. Amen, they are not little people. Illeandir is much bigger than all of you.

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