Tag #56

15 2 35

This also happens to be the 56th chapter... yay for coincidences.

Tagged by: no one, just am bored and am procrastinating my math assignment after procrastinating by taking way longer than necessary on my German lesson and then going to the archery range to shoot for two hours and then taking a FREAKING COLD SHOWER! and then eating food because I forgot about supper somewhere in there. It's Monday.


Let's play a game.

Never have I ever...

Never have I ever

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Never have I ever... killed a character.

HA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I have. And I will continue to kill off characters so long as it suits the needs of the story.

Never have I ever... gotten a one star review.

That'll be one point of Illeandir please. I'm going to assume one star is like the worst of the worst. I've had people not like my writing, and before you go and kill them, ehem GadSul , they have been sufficiently taken care of.

Never have I ever... cried over editors notes.

That'll be another point. Haven't been seeking out getting published, so no editors notes.

Never have I ever... Lost NANOWRIMO.

*takes shot of tea* Never done it, but I am considering doing it this year.

Never have I ever... drunk a whole pot of coffee.

Ew, gross. I don't drink coffee and let me tell you about all the flabbergasted college students who haven't slept in three days and are surviving on caffeine alone. Sheer willpower is how I get through my day... and sometimes mountain dew... shhhh don't tell.

Never have I ever... gotten a rejection letter.

Nope! Dreading the day I do though...

Never have I ever... mixed its with it's.

*hides in corner of shame*

Never have I ever... Written while at Starbucks.

Another point for the Dark Lord! Never been inside one.

Never have I ever... stayed in pajamas all day.

Uh... I have... I don't regret it... and it's very comfortable.

Never have I ever... forgotten a character's name.

*shamefully bows head*

You would too if you had thirty characters whose names range from Aevar, Areoris, Antill, Earvin, Ervin, Aeina, Aeinda, Aarav, Elias, Egil, Ana, and for some reason there's Jariveer... I've mixed up so many names that I'm sure I've got stray characters with names that don't belong to them running around somewhere.

Never have I ever... obsessed over adding or deleting a comma.

Oh my gosh. Yes. I hate commas.

Never have I ever... Cried while writing an emotional scene.

Lemme spell you a thing, I am human. I have hurts and pains and sometimes what I just put my characters through hits a little too close to home. So yes. I have. Once.

Never have I ever... Posted on writer forums.

Does Wattpad count?

Never have I ever... joined a Facebook group for authors.

POINTS ALL AROUND! I don't have Facebook for one reason: Politics.

Never have I ever... deleted and entire chapter.

I deleted an entire book once...

Never have I ever... lied about being a pantser or a plotter.

Never been much of a plotter... no idea what pantser means so... POINT!

Never have I ever... missed a deadline.


I miss all the deadlines.

Never have I ever... gotten distracted by Facebook.

Don't have Facebook. POINT!

Never have I ever... cringed at my old writings.

I cringe at my new writings. But yes, I do cringe very much at my old writings.

Never have I ever... been asked, "Where do you get your ideas?"

I have been asked it many times and I hate answer because the answer is so broad and I never know when a new idea is going to pop in my head and take over my thoughts for the remainder of the day. Also, please don't ask me because you will get either a IDK or everywhere.

Never have I ever... brainstormed in the shower.

I have and I would more if I hadn't recently joined the club of ice-cold showers and now only want to get the shower done with as fast as possible so I don't freeze to death.

Never have I ever... talked out loud to a character.

I talk out loud to Obsideon and Aevar all the time... more so Aevar because he doesn't sass me and refuse to remain a predictable character. Predictable in that I can write them behaving rather consistently and then develop them as they grow. Obsideon is just the most obstinate, fidgety, crass, and fluid personality I have ever tried to write. I'm pretty sure he hates me too.

Never have I ever... lied about reading a classic novel.

POINT! Now, there are some stipulations, I may have not read said novel and may not have explicitly said I didn't read it, but I also never said I read it...

Never have I ever... obsessed over a word count.

I'm in a creative writing class currently. The word count becomes a problem when it becomes unreasonable to print off 20 copies each 15 pages long.

Never have I ever... pulled an all-nighter writing.

That I have not done and have no wish to.


As you can see, I'm an adventurous person. *note sarcasm*

Now to go dream about Robin-Hooding my arrows because that's what I was trying to do today. Got really close several times, but just couldn't quite get there and I had to quit before I got too frustrated. (on a side note, one of the guys there, who is really good, was kinda flirting with me (I think)... mostly teasing, but it was fun. I like shooting. It's relaxing.)

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