Tag #43

22 6 13

Tagged by: GadSul

Fandom Tag

What was the first fandom you were a part of?

Umm, officially I would say Lord of the Rings, but I've been a fan of Narnia since before I knew the word existed and before I knew about internet. I was too young to read the books so I watched the movies many, many times over.

First favorite characters?

Ahh! Don't do this to me! Okay,

Aragorn, Frodo, Legolas, Eragon, Saphira, Peter Pevensie, Edmund Pevensie, Caspian, Angela, Solembum, Errol Stone, Halt, Hal Mikkelson, Percy Jackson, Leo Valdez, Firestar,

First Ship?

Percy and Annabeth

First OC

Can't remember if it is Illeandir or Zyfra... you'll meet the latter eventually

First Cosplay?

For Halloween I usually dress as a black rider. Made from my mom's old graduation robes and some black boots and a nice hood I found at a store a few years ago.

First Merch?

All handmade stuff.

First friend you forced into the fandom?

Can't give a name, but they know who they are. I had that same friend force/introduce me into a fandom I somewhat regret getting into, but I love it all the same.

Make an aesthetic for a character from your fandom.

Ah, crap...

There, not the best, but it's late and I don't care right now

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There, not the best, but it's late and I don't care right now.

Fancast some of your characters from your fandom.


Tom Hiddleston as Beren

Emma Watson as Lúthien

I'm currently reading Beren and Lúthien, thus the casting and picture.


Do it if you want to.

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