Tag #59

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It's been a while...

Tagged by: autumn_sunfire

Current temperature outside:

14 degrees Fahrenheit

Current "feels like" outide:

7 degrees Fahrenheit 

Yes, my window has been open most of the day. I am a child of the cold north.

First fandom you feel you ever joined:

 I classify Lord of the Rings as the first fandom I joined, but, in reality, it was Narnia. I read those first and watched the movies and fell in love. I technically didn't know what a fandom was then, so idk if either of them count because I was into them before I knew. *shrugs*

What one celebrity would you want to meet at a convention?

Oh gosh, I don't know. Tom Hiddleston, Tom Holland, Viggo Mortensen, there are others but I can't think of their names...

If you were to cosplay, what would you do?

Loki all the way. I had plans back around Halloween to cosplay as him, but money and time were not on my side. I still want to though for the next Infinity War to go with a friend who is dressing up as Star Lord. I just need to find a black suit and a black wig...

If you're a writer, what sentence is the last thing you typed on your manuscript?

"Behind the carriage came more dancers carry satchels of candy to toss at the young children."

I'm kinda in the middle of a chapter right now right before stuff goes wrong.

Favorite character that isn't yours to write about:

Gerithor's character Fendwall is probably my favorite. It's between him and the few times I've had the privilege to write MonsterCupcake's Amarth. 

Favorite character of yours to write about:

Ah, man. So many. Probably Aevar, Theafandir, or Freya. Aevar and Thea because they break just about every stereotype of that male character. They are so emotional and gentle. Jsut writing them I'm filled with this warmness that I don't get from writing Obsideon, or Dahari, or any other character really. They are really amazing people. Add Arbane to that also. Freya is... I don't know how to describe her now. She's changed a lot since the first draft when she was basically a carbon copy of me with a little more fire. I've learned a lot more about her in the last few weeks than I did in four years. Fundamentally, she is like me, wanting to live her own life without having to play by the rules and customs of a society that doesn't care, but knows that if she doesn't, things go awry pretty fast. She finds all kinds of ways to take control of her life, ways that might not seem big, but they give her a measure of freedom. That and she's just a really fun character. I could go on all day about her. 

Favorite show as a child: 

Wild Kratts, anything with nature basically

Last song that made you stop and admire it:


This song, there aren't any words, but I thought it was beautiful. 










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