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I don't believe this...

I don't wanna read it, but I'm curious

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I don't wanna read it, but I'm curious.

Here goes.

Fifteen seconds later...

What the heck?! This is the weakest argument I have ever seen! A five year old could do better!

What the heck?! This is the weakest argument I have ever seen! A five year old could do better!

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No, just, no. Anyone who has read or actually seen The Hobbit knows that is about the farthest thing from the truth.

Gandalf, being a Maiar, has no use for earthly possessions, especially those guarded by a greedy biohazard named Smaug. Let's not even mention that the gold literally was cursed. Dragon sickness is a real killer y'all. Do I even need to mention that Erebor was a strategic location that played a KEY ROLE in the defense of Middle Earth against Sauron. Had Gandalf not sent Thorin and Co. Middle Earth would be a very dark place full of very dead people. Also, Gandalf couldn't find the keyhole because it wasn't the right time of year. Dwarf magic people. Look it up. Better yet, ask Elrond. He can read their runes.

They also compared The Hobbit to Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory at one point... pitiful. Smh.

Then they went on to say this;

Then they went on to say this;

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A; He's a Maiar, Istari if you prefer... of Manwë. Manwë, the guy with the giant eagles that save them a couple times? Remember him? He's bound to know when something's up. Oh! And where was he in Mirkwood when the Elf king was ready to lock them up forever? LOOKING FOR SAURON! Gandalf is a very busy Maiar and does not have time for bumbling dwarves who can't go twenty steps without losing all their supplies and nearly getting eaten. He can only be in one place at a time.

B: If I remember right, Gandalf was the only Istari to do as he was bidden. Two ran off to Eru knows where, one lives as a hermit caring for his weirdly human-like pets... and the other... he gone. Killed by angry hobbits. So why on Arda would Gandalf maliciously and systematically kill off the only people who would go inside that mountain?! Tell me!

And then, there's this


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Yeah right.

I'm calling bull on your argument. You never watched the movies, or read the books.

Why did I read this? I knew it was going to be a horrible thing. It didn't even offer any good arguments that couldn't be easily refuted. Just saying.

I'm going to bed.

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