Ultimate Quiz

12 3 74

I'm bored and am in need of entertainment.

This is the Ultimate Quiz of Illeandir.

1. There are two other parts to the name Illeandir, what are they? (Spelling counts)

2. Why do I never give my middle name if I can avoid it?

3. Who is my favorite superhero?

4. What would I put on my gravestone when I die?

5. What is my favorite word?

6. What is the longest time I have gone with only 2 hours of sleep a night?

7. What is my least favorite music?

8. Why do most, if not all, of my characters hate chickens?

9. What do I consider my worst and most painful injury?

10. Why do some of my characters wear two rings on their left middle finger? (Ex: Freya Wilde, Illeandir, Aevar)

11. How do I come up with a majority of the names for my characters?

12. What is my least favorite subject in school?

13. What is my favorite number?

14. Can you name 3 songs on my list of cool songs?

15. What is the largest number of characters I have killed at once? (Only two of them have been named so far)

16. Why have I never kept a journal?

17. Can I speak another language?

18. If you think I can speak another language, what is it?

19. How long have I been on Wattpad as of December 11, 2018? (No looking!)

20. What was the inspiration behind Dragon Nymph and all subsequent books?

1. Illeandir is followed Naharia Alfýkin.

2. Becasue faeries. And because names have power.

3. Black Panther

4. "Nothing is written in stone"

5. Zenith

6. 3 days

7. Rap

8. Because chickens are monsters. My freshman year of highschool my grandma raised 100 chickens and that summer we butchered all of the little cannibalistic devils.

9. During camp one year I sliced the bottom of my foot open during mud games. It became infected and I was limping for about two weeks after that and had to take antibiotics.

10. I have two rings on my left middle finger that are of sentimental value to me. It's just one of those things that makes it's way in a lot.

11. It's a system based on sound. A lot of the names based on the Kliana language have long vowels, starring mainly an "A" or an "E".

12. Math

13. 22

14. Illeandir's List of Cool Songs:

"Invincible" by All Good Things
"Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen
"Viva la Vida" by Coldplay
"Castle of Glass" by Linkin Park
"Battleborne" by Two Steps from Hell
"The Hero in Your Heart" by Thomas Bergerson

15. I'm still deciding between 30 and 15 children.

16. Can't ever remember to write in it.

17. I can! Ich kann spreche ein bissien Deutsch.

18. I can speak a little German.

19. 4 years

20. A dream I had in 8th grade about a blacksmith girl confronting this really creepy looking guy with all black eyes... kinda looked like Obsideon...

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