Tag #65

16 2 45

Tagged by: autumn_sunfire


I hear people scream at me. 


Wishful thinking. 

As to where Illeandir has been the last few months after randomly updating three whole chapters of War Doves and then disappearing off the face of Wattpad (not really): Illeandir has been have the worst semester of their life at college, but managed to pass all but one of their classes with an A. Possibly passed all with an A, but am still waiting on a few more exam and paper grades. 


Thank you very much. I never want to do that again.

*is ignoring next semesters almost as convoluted schedule*

You get me back for one month. ONE MONTH YOU HEAR?!

In all honesty, I learned a lot this semester, lots about the legends of King Arthur, German, how freaking hard German is, different religious movements, that was exciting, and if you've kept up with my "The Unknown Tales" you will discover within the last few chapters what I was writing during my creative writing class which I wish I could burn to the ground but alas, we cannot always have our way.  I learned way more about myself this semester than I ever have before as well, but that's not going to be shared on here. Safe to say, 19 year old me would not recognize 20 year old me. 

Okay, maybe a bit of a stretch, but I feel like being dramatic. 

SPEAKING of dramatic!

Boy oh boy am I excited to get back into War Doves. 

*multiple evil faces*

But first, this tag

I can now unleash all this pent up sarcasm that I couldn't use in my paper.

1.  Describe the plot in one sentence:

I need to pick a book for this don't I...? Hm... Let's go with War Doves because why not.

Well, I HAD a one sentence summary that was perfect... but I have misplaced it. How typical. Guess I'll come up with a new one. Ahem!

Aevar Kli-Ana; a mild-mannered prince defends his fracturing kingdom against the horrors of past wrongs amid political upheaval, warring countries, and the darkest times since before the First Age.

That doesn't even begin to cover the half of what I've got planned, but it will do for now.

2. Pick one sight, smell, sound, feel, and taste to describe the aesthetic of your novel.

a dove falling from the sky, the scent of too much incense at a funeral, the sound of a sea breeze sifting through willow trees, the feel of cold hands gripping warm hands tightly, the dry taste of hunger on the tongue

3. Which 3+ songs would make up a playlist of your novel?

THREE!? C'mon, gonna make me go look for songs now. Lucky for you I already have a playlist

Aevar's Theme: (al Aeva una Ana)

"Fantasy Music – The Last of his Name" BrunuhVille

Take the title as you will.

*redacted* Theme: (Raz al *redacted*)

"Dark Fantasy Music – A Blackened Heart" Peter Gundry

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